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vineri, 5 iunie 2009

A nice and beautiful storm - O furtuna frumoasa

O noapte furtunoasa... ce frumos! O noapte luminata de fulgere, cu ploaie, un pic de grindina, dar vreo 5 minute, niste vant mai puternic (noroc ca am legat ghivecele de balustrada terasei de zici ca le-am tintuit in cuie, nu alta!), noi pe terasa beam bere, Mariuca dormea de rupea, chiar daca mai erau si niste tunete din cand in cand. Am ramas fara lumina vreo 3 ore, dar, dupa cum spuneam, a fost superb. Pentru noi.

A stormy night... beautiful! A night like day, shiny from the lightnings, with rain, a little bit of hail, for about 5 minutes, some strong wind (lucky me I tied up the pots from the terrace's rail like I nailed them there!), we were on the terrace, drinking beer, Mariuca was asleep, although there were some thunders from time to time. We had a blackout for 3 hours, but, as I said, it was beautiful. For us.

Pentru altii a fost groaznic! In Bucuresti au fost copaci rupti, cazuti pe masini, oameni speriati, culturi stricate, flori si arbusti pierduti.

For others it was awful! In Bucharest were broken trees, falled on cars, nervous people, damaged crops, flowers and shrubs lost.

Noi, ca de obicei, parca ne aflam in zona crepusculara. Daca in Bucuresti ploua, la noi e soare, daca in Bucuresti e furtuna, la noi e o ploaie normala, daca oamenii se sperie si se baricadeaza in case, noi suntem pe terasa, vorbim si radem.

We are, as usual, like in the twilight zone. If in Bucharest is raining, here is sunny, if in Bucharest is storm, here is a normal rain, if people are nervous and close in their homes, we are on the terrace, talking and laughing.

Veniti la noi acasa, the land of choice!

Come to our home, the land of choice!
(For my friends outside Romania - this is a joke. Right now we have a new country tourism hymn, "Romania, the land of choice")

6 comentarii:

Catrinel spunea...

Mie nu imi plac furtunile ca mi-e frica de tunete si fulgere,dar ador mirosul dupa o ploaie de vara ....dar mirosul dintr-o zona cu aer curat nu in inima orasului.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden spunea...

Hi Silvia! I am glad the storm was harmless in your area and hope that nobody suffered badly from it in Bucharest!

Victoria Williams spunea...

Ha. Your area sounds wonderful.

Unknown spunea...

@ Catrinel - te astept chiar acum la mine! Tocmai a plouat din nou si miroase extraordinar! Si nu e poluare, ca de-asta ne-am mutat aici!

@ Tatyana - yes, thank you, it's good to know that everything is in place!

@ Victoria - it is a lovely area, indeed!

ChrisND spunea...

Storms can wonderful to well as the passing of the storm. It is too bad that they can also be as harmful as beautiful, though that is nature.

Unknown spunea...

@ Chris - the nature is always beautiful in my opinion when it is not destructive. Of course, nobody wants to have the house destroyed during a storm or hurricane, but my post is about beauty and love about nature, about seeing something incredible and appreciating little things which tend to overlook sometimes.