Ceska mi-a spus pe messenger ca mama ei e nemultumita ca nu au mai inflorit Violetele de Parma. Asa ca m-am decis sa scriu un post despre aceste flori.
Ceska told me on messenger that her mother is unhappy with her Parma Violets. They didn't make any flowers for sometime now. So I decided to write a post about these flowers.
Am doua fotografii din martie, cu Violeta mov inflorita. Mai am una rozalie, dar nu am fotografii cu ea. Dupa o perioada de vreo 2 luni, 2 luni si jumatate, timp in care am avut doar frunze, cea mov are din nou 3 floricele micute.
I have 2 pictures form March, with my mauve Violet. I had another one, light pink, but I don't have pictures with it. After 2 months, 2 months and a half, after having only leaves, the mauve has flowers again.
Nu multi gradinari aleg sa creasca Violete de Parma, pentru ca sunt plante sensibile si pretentioase. Le place lumina, dar nu soarele, le place un singur loc in casa (urasc sa fie mutate in alta parte), temperatura trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 15-17 grade si de maxim 24-25 grade.
There are not so many gardeners who chose to care for Parma Violets, because they are so sensible and precious. They like the light, but not the sun, they like an unique place in the home (they hate to be moved somewhere else), the temperature must be between 15-17 and 24-25 Celsius degrees.
Apa calcaroasa le usuca, de preferat este sa le udati cu apa fiarta si racita, apa plata sau apa de ploaie. Sa nu fie rece, ci la temperatura camerei. Sa nu udati frunzele si florile, ci numai sub ele.
Limestone water is drying the plants, so you should use boiled&cold water, plain water or rain water, temperature room. Don't water the leaves or the flowers, only below them.
Puteti adauga o lingurita de zahar in apa cu care le udati.
Daca cateva frunze s-au uscat, puteti pune direct pe pamant cateva frunze de menta sau puteti aduce aproape un ghiveci cu menta.
You can add a tea spoon of sugar in the water.
If some leaves are seared, you can put on the ground mint leaves or you can bring closer a pot of mint.
Nu suporta ingrasamant, acesta le arde si florile sunt mult mai mici sau nu mai infloresc deloc.
They don't like fertilizer, because it burns them and the flowers are smaller or at all.
Daca vreti sa aveti o inflorire constanta si flori superbe, trebuie sa va asigurati ca mijlocul plantei are suficient aer, ca bobocii sa se poata dezvolta. Daca planta voastra are multe frunze, va recomand sa le rupeti, pentru a asigura oxigenul atat de necesar producerii de noi flori.
If you want to have a constant blossoming and gorgeous flowers, you have to be sure that the middle of the plant has enough air, for the buds to develop. If your plant has many leaves, I advise you to cut some of them, to ensure so much needed oxygen to reach the flowers.
Le gasiti intr-o varietate de culori, mov, roz, albe, chiar si rosii, cu margini albe sau galbui, pestrite.
You can find Parma Violets in so many colours, mauve, pink, white, even red, with white or light yellow edges, mottled.
Sper ca v-am spus cateva lucruri pe care nu le stiati despre Violete. Ceska, ii doresc mamei tale numai flori de la Violete de acum incolo!
I am hoping that I told new things about Parma Violets. Ceska, I wish your mother's plants to have beautiful flowers starting from now!
2 comentarii:
We call them African Violets. I have just one that my friend started off of hers. It is young and has not bloomed yet.
Thanks for the info.
Victoria, yes, the other name is African Violets. I am glad that you will need this information about these flowers! :) I wish you long lasting flowers!
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