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miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

My photo camera is broken - Mi s-a stricat camera foto

As fi vrut sa va arat cum am legat trandafirii si cum am aranjat terasa, dar, din pacate, mi s-a stricat camera foto. Cu atat nisip in jur, de la lucrarile din fata casei, cred ca a intrat niste nisip la lentila si nu se mai deschide. Sunt asa de suparata de nu va imaginati! Ca atare, o sa fac o pauza de la fotografii si incerc sa vorbesc la general pentru cateva zile. Dar nu azi. Sper sa ajung zilele astea si sa nu dureze prea mult reparatia.

I wanted to show you how I tied up the roses and how I organised the terrace, but, unfortunately, my photo camera is broken. With all this sand around us, coming from the works we are done in front of the house, I think the lens caught some sand and right now it says that the camera has a lens error. I am soooo upset you can't imagine!!! So, I will take a break from posts with pictures and I will try to talk in a general manner for a few days. But not today. I am hoping to have a few free hours to go to the Canon shop and hoping to solve the problem fast.

2 comentarii:

Dirt Princess spunea...

Oh no...hope you get it fixed soon. I will be very unhappy if my camera broke!

Unknown spunea...

My husband is a professional photographer, but his cameras are heavy, around 2-3 kg each. So, yeeees, I am very unhappy!