I didn't know this flowers' name, but I find out. It's called Canna.
Pot sa va spun ca am doua varietati, una cu frunze verzi si alta cu frunze mov inchis. Sunt foarte inalte, depasesc 1 metru, ale mele au chiar aproape de 1,5 m. Frunzele seamana cu frunzele bananului, mari, late, cu striatii. Au o substanta cerata pe ele, astfel apa si daunatorii nu se "lipesc" de ele.
I can tell you that I have 2 species, one with green leaves and the other with dark purple leaves. They are very tall, over 1 m., mine have almost 1,5 m. The leaves resembles banana leaves, large, wide, with striations. They have a waxy substance on them, so the water and bugs don't "stick" on them.
Nu stiam ca sunt denumite si reginele florilor alaturi de orhidee. Adevarul este ca atunci cand mi le-a adus Cris de la mama ei am ramas cu gura cascata. Iar cand au inflorit, nu ma mai bucuram de ele! Florile sunt superbe, portocalii, iar astazi am vazut in fata TVR un palc cu flori galbene si unul cu flori rosii. Incredibil de frumoase! Le-as fi pozat, dar eram in masina, la stop. :)
I didn't know that they are called flower's queen, like the orchids. The truth is that when Cris came with them from her mother garden, I was gapingly! And when they bloomed, I was very, very happy! I could stare for hours in front of the pots! The flowers are splendid, stunning, orange, and today I saw yellow and red flowers, on the street, in a intersection. Gorgeous look! I wish I had my camera, but I was in the car, at red light. :)
De obicei se planteaza in pamant, in gradina, dar tatal meu le-a pierdut pe ale lui. Pentru ca nu le-a scos din pamant pe timpul iernii. Eu am cumparat 2 ghivece mari, special pentru ele si nu le-am mutat in gradina. Bine am facut, se pare, pentru ca s-au dezvoltat foarte bine. Iarna trecuta le-am adus in casa si au dat din nou frunze, dupa ce le taiasem pe cele vechi si uscate de la pamant. Infloresc incepand cu iunie (ati vazut-o pe a mea) pana in septembrie-octombrie. O Canna face multe flori, in general zeci de flori... Eu am avut anul trecut, pui fiind, aproximativ 30.
Usually, they live great in the garden, but my father lost his because he left them outside in the winter time. I bought 2 large pots, especially for them, and I didn't move them in the garden. Good for me, because in the house they developed like in the summer. New leaves, after I cut the seared ones. They are blooming starting June (you saw mine) until September - October. A single Canna can have dozens of flowers... I had last year, young plant, around 30 flowers.
Este primul an cand vad Canna in aranjamente florale stradale, iar in afara de mine si mama Cristinei nu mai stiu pe altcineva sa o aiba in curte sau in casa. De aceea am ramas foarte uimita cand am citit ca a fost recunoscuta de o prietena din SUA, dar tatal meu stia ca este originara din zonele sub-tropicale si tropicale din America.
It's the first year when I saw Cannas in floral arrangements on the street and beside me and Cris' mother I don't know anybody else to have Canna in the garden or in the house. That's why I was surprised when the flower was recognised by a dear friend from USA, but my father knew that Canna is native sub-tropical and tropical areas from America.
Daca gasiti sa cumparati seminte sau primiti in dar pentru curatea voastra, va sfatuiesc sa va bucurati ca un copil mic, pentru ca aveti de ce!
If you find Canna seeds, buy them, or if you receive a Canna as a gift, I will advise you to be happy as a baby!
Anul trecut, in aprilie
Last year, in April
Anul trecut, in mai
Last year, in May
Anul acesta, in iunie
This year, in June
2 comentarii:
These are beautiful Silvia, I don't have any luck with them but I think it is partly because our summers are not hot enough to help the bulb grow. Seeing your pictures makes me think I will have another try! Here you see lots of bulbs for sale in spring and they are not very expensive.
Best wishes Sylvia (England)
Sylvia, long time no see you!!! Thank you for stoping by!
I think you can grow a Canna in your home, it's a constant temperature and about 20-24 Celsius degrees, right? Let me know if you're buying... and the development!
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