De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita. [at]

Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!

Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009

My camera is back! - Am din nou camera foto!

Da, am luat si camera foto din service! E noua si stralucitoare! Am si fotografii sa va arat! Asta seara pregatesc si un post interesant, sper eu, despre muscate.

Yes, I took my photo camera from service! It's brand new and shiny! I've got some photos to show you! Tonight I will write a post about Geraniums, interesting I am hoping.

O lopata de capsuni! Deja am scos aproximativ 3 kg. de capsuni din gradina. Mariuca a mancat capsuni, i-am facut shake, suc si salata de fructe.

O shovel full of strawberries! I already had about 3 kg. of strawberries from my garden. Mariuca eats strawberries, I made her shake, juice and fruit salad.

Tot eram eu trista ca s-a uscat cimbrul adus din Grecia. Am primit 5 plantute de cimbru, pe care le-am plantat fericita intr-o jardiniera. Acum astept sa creasca, dar le merge foarte bine.

I was sad that my savory from Greece died. I received 5 plants of savory and I was happy to plant them in a jardiniere. Now I am waiting to grow, but they are doing just fine.

Un tip de crin, nu stiu cum se cheama, cu frunze late, mari, verzi, deja a inflorit. Mai am unul la fel, numai ca frunzele sunt mov inchis. In spate, se vede trandafirul rosu, din pacate nu l-am prins in perioada de maxima inflorire, cand era plin de trandafiri si boboci.

Another type of lily, I don't know its name, large leaves, big, green, already with flowers. I had another one just the same, but the leaves are dark mauve. In the back you can see the red rose. Unfortunately I didn't had the camera when it was in the maximum blossoming, when it was full of flowers and buds.

Floarea crinului, rosie ca focul

Lily's flower, bright red

Trandafirul rosu, legat. Am pus 4 stalpi de gradina si am legat sarma speciala de ei, cate 3 randuri.

The red rose, bound together. I put 4 garden pillars and I tied some special wire, 3 rows.

Crinul salbatic, inflorit

The wild lily with flowers

Floarea crinului salbatic, superba!

The lily's flower, simply beautiful!

Aranjament in bucatarie cu flori din gradina

Kitchen set-up with garden flowers



Diseara, dupa ora 9, ora Romaniei, veti putea citi articolul despre muscate si veti putea vedea ce muscate frumoase am eu!

Tonight, after 9 pm, Romanian time, you can read my article about Geraniums and you can see what beautiful Geraniums I had!

La adresa am conceput un concurs. Va astept si pe voi sa raspundeti la intrebarea "care credeti ca este sursa de poluare care distruge cel mai mult fauna si flora pamantului?" si puteti castiga cartea "ABC-ul gradinaritului. Peste 600 de sfaturi si sugestii pentru gradinarii amatori" de Etienne Blouin, editata la Polirom. Pe data de 18 iunie, adica peste 6 zile, voi desemna un castigator.

Here,, you can find a contest. I am expecting your answers to the question "what do you think is the most polluting source for the flora and fauna of the Earth?" and you can win the book "Gardening ABC. Over 600 advices and suggestions for amateur gardeners" by Etienne Blouin, Polirom publishing house. On June 18th, 6 days from now, I will choose a winner.

6 comentarii:

Victoria Williams spunea...

Your first lily we call a cana. The second, orange one we call a daylily. They are both lovely, as is your rose.
As to the contest, is it the sulfur in acid rain?

Heather spunea...

That daylily is what I have so many of on the header of my blog. They put on a lovely show but don't rebloom or stay nice all season. Yours are very pretty!

Jan spunea...

Hi Silvia, your rose bush is very pretty--even though you said you didn't capture it with your camera while it was in full bloom. It is quite large with lots of blooms on it! The lilies are nice, too. I'll have to check out your contest...

Unknown spunea...

@ Victoria - thank you for sharing the names of the plants. I will check them on the Internet.

@ Heather - yes, I say them on your header, but I was not sure if are the same. Mine is reblooming, I don't know for how many months, but before the flowers, the foliage is exquisite. I am so in love with it!

@ Jan - thank you for the lovely thoughts!

About my contest... my blog, Blog Director, is only in Romanian, because I want to develop a comunity of romanian speaking garden lovers blogs. If you want to answer to the contest, please feel free to give me an e-mail at or leave a comment at that post, and I will make a translation for you, Victoria and Jan.

Thank you a lot for your interest in the contest!

treangelsmother spunea...

Cu adevarat este vorba de canna asa cum o gasesti si pe net , are o gama larga de culori, eu am avut portocalie dar nu i-a mers prea bine si am renuntat la ea... cat despre crinii portocalii infloresc o perioada scurta din an, cred ca pe parcursul lui iunie doar, am si eu acum infloriti , intr-adevar frunzele sunt frumoase si decorative in acelasi timp...

Unknown spunea...

@ Treanglesmother - multumesc, acum ca mi-ai confirmat si tu ca se numeste canna, nu voi mai cauta pe net. Cred ca o sa postez si un articol despre ei, ca am doi, unul are frunze mov inchis.

Crinii salbatici, cum ii stim noi, infloresc in iunie, intr-adevar. La mine merg excelent, infloresc timp indelungat. Nu stiu exact cat anume, ca nu m-am gandit sa tin cont, dar anul asta ii voi urmari. Deja au inflorit de vreo 3-4 saptamani, astept sa vad pana cand vor avea flori.
