Am pus o poza tot de anul trecut, cu Magnolia alba, primul ei an in gradina noastra si primele flori. Mai avem inca una mov, din pacate nu am fotografiat-o pentru ca nu avea flori la momentul respectiv.
I uploaded a picture also from last year, with our white Magnolia, its first year in our garden and its first flowers. We have another one purple, unfortunately I don't have a picture with it because it didn't had flowers at the time.
Dupa cum vedeti, fiind primul ei an, i-am pus un mic gardulet in jur, de sarma, cat sa nu o loveasca Dochita sau Mati. Poza este din martie, adica de-abia incepuse primavara, ca atare nu curatasem iarba. Este obligatoriu sa protejati magnoliile, mai ales in primii ani de viata, pentru ca in Romania, temperaturile pe timpul iernii pot scadea destul de mult, pot ajunge chiar si la -20 grade.
As you can see, being its first year, I put a small wire fence around it, to protect it from Dochita or Mati (our dogs). The picture was taken on March, the first month of spring, so I didn't cut the grass. It is absolutely necessary to protect the magnolias, especially through first years of life, because in Romania the temperatures during winter season can be even -20 Celsius degrees.
Ale noastre sunt inca mici, dar daca vreti sa plantati magnolii, asigurati-va ca au un spatiu - pe orizontala - destul de mare, pentru ca ii va creste coroana. Iubeste soarele si cu cat primeste mai mult, cu atat va face mai multe flori. Ar fi bine sa gasiti un loc in gradina ferit de vantul aspru al iernii, in special daca locuiti intr-o zona "deschisa".
Ours are still small, but if you want to plant magnolias, be sure that they have enough space - on horizontal - because the wreath will be big. Magnolia loves the sun and the number of flowers will be related to the sunlight. It would be better to find a place in the garden sheltered by the harsh winter wind, especially if you are living in an "open" area.
Dani le-a plantat pe modelul clasic, cu nisip pe fundul gropii amestecat cu pamant de flori, iar magnolia a fost pusa in pamant pana la inceputul tulpinii. Dupa ce tot pamantul a fost pus la loc, aveti grija sa il calcati in picioare, ca sa nu ramana goluri de aer in sol.
Dani plant them classical, with sand on the bottom of the hole, blended with flowers ground, and the magnolia were placed in the ground until the beginning of the stalk. After the ground is back in place, be sure that you press it, to let no air holes.
Poate nu stiati de unde provine numele Magnolia... de la un botanist francez, pe numele lui Pierre Magnol. Prietenii nostri, chinezii, o folosesc ca planta medicinala de 'fo mie de ani. In Romania, ca multe alte lucruri bune, a ajuns foarte tarziu, abia are peste 100 ani de existenta. Dar, datorita florilor deosebit de frumoase si a mirosului incantator al acestora, a devenit extrem de populara in gradinile si parcurile noastre. Si mai este un motiv pentru care tuturor le place aceasta floare: este foarte usor de intretinut. Daca i-ai asigurat conditiile de inceput, de care v-am povestit eu mai sus, atunci poti sta linistit ca vei avea flori an de an. A, am uitat! De fapt sunt 2 motive. Al doilea este rezistenta Magnoliei la boli si daunatori.
Maybe you don't know where the name Magnolia is originated... from a french botanist, Pierre Magnol. Our friends, chinese people, use it as a medicine for various illnesses starting one thousand years ago. In Romania, as other good things, came very late, and has barely 100 years. Because its very beautiful flowers and lovely scent, Magnolia became a very popular flower in our gardens and parks. And there is another reason for everybody to like this flower: it is very easy to care for it. If you provided all the starting conditions I was telling you about, then you can be sure that you will have flowers year after year. A, I forgot! Actually, there are two reasons. The second one is that Magnolia is very resistent to diseases and pests.
Kobus, stellata sau liliiflora nigra sunt doar cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute tipuri de magnolii. Noi le avem pe prima si ultima. Prietenele mele din Statele Unite trebuie sa stie mai bine: a mai aparut un soi obtinut in tara lor, Elizabeth, prima magnolie de alta culoare, si anume galbena. Il puteti gasi, bineinteles, si in Romania. Dar nu ma intrebati cat costa, deoarece s-ar putea sa renuntati sa il achiziotionati. Intre noi fie spus, suma poate depasi si 20 milioane, in functie de marime.
Kobus, stellata or liliiflora nigra are a few types of the well-known Magnolias. We have the first one and the last one. My friends from United States should know better: another kind of Magnolia were obtained in their country, Elizabeth, the first magnolia with other colour then white or purple, yellow magnolia. You can find it also in Romania, of course. But don't ask me how much costs, because it is a possibility to give up buying it. Between us, the sum can be over 20 million (old lei), depending on the size. That means 2.000 new lei, about 625 US dollars.
Urmatoarea fotografie am incercat sa o realizez cu zoom intre florile Magnoliei, nu prea mi-a reusit, dar feeling-ul e important.
The next picture I tried to shoot it with zoom between Magnolia's flowers, I didn't make a good shot, but the feeling is important.
4 comentarii:
Silvia- looks good! How big will this plant get? I love magnolias, such an intricate flower.
Now, I know how magnolia got its name. Thank you, Silvia!
Heather, magnolia can be even 10-15 m tall! My daughter's godmother, my girlfriend Cristina, received a magnolia as a gift for her birthday. And it's already 2 m tall. I will make some pictures to see it when it's twice as mine. It's lovely!
Tatyana, you're welcome! I'm glad you find out at least one new information from my post. :) Come back again for other details! You saw that my style of writing is informal, warm, abundant in details, because I am talking from my experience and I want everybody to find out something new.
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