I told you yesterday that I will talk about a plant who makes beautiful flowers, wild lily. All the pictures are from last year, in may, because right now the leaves are too small, about half of the wooden fence around the lily.
Aici este o poza de ansamblu: in stanga imaginii aveti crinul, alaturi cateva thuya, iar in dreapta un trandafir rosu si o magnolie alba.
This is a general view: on the left, you can see the lily, close to some thuya, on the right you can see a red rose and a white magnolia.
O alta poza... cu zoom in frunzele crinului.
Another picture, zoom into the lily's leaves.
Cam asa arata anul trecut, in mai, gradina noastra. Anul acesta, pentru ca mi-am facut blog-ul acesta, voi cauta sa realizez fotografii frumoase, dar sugestive, cu fiecare planta, copac si floare in parte, dar si cu imagini de ansamblu, ca sa vedeti cum arata totul. Anul trecut nu m-a preocupat acest aspect, eu faceam pozele doar ca sa stiu cum au evoluat lucrurile in timp. Dar acum sunt determinata sa corectez lucrurile, hehe!
Our garden, last year in may. This year, because I made this blog, I will try to make some incredibile pictures, suggestive ones, with every plant, tree, shrub or flower, but also with general views of the garden, to see the whole. Last year I didn't take into account this hobby, because my only interest was that I can see the phases of growth. But right now I am determined to change that thing, hehe!
Toata lumea iubeste crinul, mai ales ca il vede foarte des, in special in aranjamentele florale de mireasa sau nasa, dar si in buchete pretentioase. Este o floare foarte frumoasa, prezenta in mai multe variante de culori - alb, galben, portocaliu, roz, rosu sau chiar verde. Cea alba, o specie comuna in Romania, cunoscuta sub numele de crin imperial, miroase extrem de puternic si daca il tii in camera, te ia ameteala rapid.
Everybody loves the lily, especially in wedding bouquets, but also in other floral arangements. It is a beautiful flower, with a large palette of colours - white, yellow, orange, pink, red or even green. The white one, a common species in Romania, as known as imperial lily, smells very strong and if you keep it in a room, you can easily get dizzy.
Eu am crin salbatic, care, pe langa ca are flori frumoase, portocalii, este verde si are multe frunze sub forma de umbrela. Florile raman proaspete mult timp, si in pamant si in vaza (eu le folosesc ca sa realizez un aranjament floral pentru masa din bucatarie). Cand s-au uscat, le tai cam pe la jumatatea tijei, astept sa se usuce si tija si o smulg din pamant, ca sa nu ramana nimic in urma ei. Dupa putin timp, apar alte flori, in locul celor vechi. Acest proces imi place in mod deosebit, deoarece imi bucura ochiul cateva luni bune.
I have wild lily and it has, beside nice flowers, orange ones, a lot of beautiful green leaves, umbrella shape. The flowers are fresh a long time, in the ground and in a vase (I used them for a floral arangement for the dining table). When they are dry, I cut them around half of the stalk, waiting for the stalk to dry also, after that I rend it from the ground, to be nothing left behind it. After a while, other flowers are growing, replacing the old ones. This process I particularly like because they please my eyes several months.
Iar ca sa fie tinut sub control, in zona dorita, va sfatuiesc sa il ingraditi cu un gardulet de lemn inalt de aproximativ 15-20 cm sau sa il puneti intr-un ghiveci de lemn foarte mare, poate fi de 30-40 cm latime pe 30-40 cm lungime si inalt cam de 50-60 cm.
To keep the lily under control, in your desired area, I will advise you to put a wooden fence around it, tall aprox. 15-20 cm or to put it in a large wooden pot (30-40 cm wide, 30-40 length, 50-60 height).
Pentru ca sunt plante tropicale si sub-tropicale, prefera caldura, lumina si solurile bogate in substante nutritive. Puteti sa adaugati ingrasamant (natural sau artificial) daca observati ca plantei nu ii merge bine. Dar nu in primul an, ca nu e necesar.
Because the lilies are tropical and sub-tropical plants, they prefer warmth, light and rich soil. You can add fertiliser (natural or artificial) if you see that the plant is not growing so well. But not in the first year, it's not necessary.
Crinul salbatic nu miroase asa cum v-ati astepta, este mai mult o floare decorativa. Dar il recomand oricarui gradinar pasionat si oricarui gradinar care nu are timp liber, pentru ca nu este pretentios si creste rapid.
The wild lily doesn't smell as you'll expect, it's more of a decorative flower. But I will recomand it to any passionate gardener or to any gardener without spare time, because it's not pretentious and it grows fast.
5 comentarii:
Silvia- it all looks so nice. I can't wait to see how much everything grew this year.
The post is about wild lily and the photos are from may last year. Right now, the lily is small, about 5-10 cm and I am waiting to grow.
And I said that last year the photos were made (by me) only to know the levels fo growth. But this year, because I have this blog, I will make artistic photos, with every flower, plant, tree, shrub and the whole garden.
It looks good! I like the english translation after each phrase. Makes it easier to read what goes with each picture.
Wonderful blog entry - I can't wait to visit again!
Thanks, Heather! I'm glad that you appreciate my efforts.
Bren, thank you also for your visit and the positive comment. I am trying to meet all the expectations with my blog. Please come visit me anytime and if you want, you can sign up for a newsletter from me. Anytime I will write something here, you will receive an e-mail telling you that. You have a form on the right part of the page, after my list of blogs. Leave your name and e-mail address there.
I will visit your blog also soon!
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