Yesterday morning we increased our thuja collection, this time with 5 gorgeous plants, big and beautiful.
Pe acesta rotund l-am vrut in mod deosebit, pentru ca mi-a placut ideea unei plante rotunde, pentru ca era perfect pentru ghiveciul mare realizat de catre Dani (ajutat de tatal meu) si pentru ca nu am mai vazut pana acum.
This round thuja I particularly loved, because I love the idea of a round plant, because is perfect for my big wooden pot made by Dani (helped by my father), and because I didn't see a round thuja before.
Pozele le-am facut acum 10 minute, dar era o lumina foarte ciudata afara, de aceea s-ar putea sa nu va placa. Dar ideea este sa vedeti plantele, nu? :)
10 minutes ago I made the pictures, but it was a very strange light, so it's possible not to like them. But the idea is to see the plants, right? :)
Grupul celor 3! Ideea lui Dani este sa facem un "zid" de thuja, ca sa fie izolant fonic si sa tina praful la distanta de intrarea in casa.
G3 group! Dani's idea is to make a thuja "wall", to sound isolate and to keep the dust away from our main entrance.
Thuja cea mare, plantata de catre Dani langa pin, aproape de foisor. E superba si imi place foarte mult!
The big thuja, planted by Dani near the pine, close to the garden wooden tower. It's gorgeous and I love it!
Thuja a devenit o planta foarte iubita si in Romania, mai ales in parcuri si in gradinile publice, dar si in gradinile particulare. Aspectul sau decorativ si faptul ca este mereu verde ii face pe multi sa o cumpere, sa o ingrijeasca si sa o iubeasca.
Thuja became a very popular plant in Romania (and loved), planted in parks and public gardens, also in private gardens. Its decorative nature and the fact is always green makes a lot of people to buy it, to care for it and to love it.
Cea mai cunoscuta specie de thuja este Thuja occidentalis si este originara din sudul Canadei si nordul Statelor Unite. Are talie inalta (10-15 metri), cu forma piramidala. Este foarte rezistenta la temperaturile scazute, la seceta si suporta tunderea, spre deosebire de alte variante de thuja.
Thuja occidentalis is a very well-known species and it's native south Canada and north USA. It's a tall plant (10-15 m), pyramidal shape. It's resistent to low temperatures, drought and can be cut, unlike other species.
Carolus Linnaeus a descris aceasta planta in 1753, iar numele i-a ramas pana astazi. Alte nume comune: Eastern Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Techny Arborvitae sau simplu Arborvitae.
Carolus Linnaeus described this plant in 1753 and the name remains current. Common names: Eastern Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Techny Arborvitae, or just Arborvitae.
Thuja orientalis face parte din familia Cupressaceae si este originara din China si Japonia. Era denumita arbor vitae, adica arborele vietii de catre vechii alchimisti ai Evului Mediu. Grecii, egiptenii si chinezii il foloseau in arta terapeutica de acum 3.000 ani. Insusi regele Solomon (il stiti, cel cu judecata dreapta lui Solomon) a construit templu din Ierusalim din piatra si lemn de thuja.
Thuja orientalis is a part of Cupressaceae family and it's native China and Japan. The ancient alchemists from the Middle Ages gave it the name "arbor vitae", that means life's tree. The Greeks, the Egyptians and the Chinese used it in therapeutical art since 3.000 years ago. Solomon himself (you know him, the one with the Solomon's judgement) built the Jerusalem temple out of stone and thuja wood.
Unele femei folosesc rasina proaspata fara sa stie acest lucru. Cu ajutorul ei se fac anumite creme impotriva celulitei.
Some women use the fresh thuja pitch without knowing this. You can find it in some cellulite cream.
7 comentarii:
I planted one of these in the fall, mine doesn't look as nice as yours does though. Very nice looking yard.
Thanks, Heather! I am hoping they will look the same at the end of the year!
Arborvitae is nice...and all of yours look great! I like the idea of using them along w/your other pines, as a privacy screen or 'dust block'! I don't use cellulite cream...but I should;-)
*If there is a way to ship the book to Romania (and if you are the lucky winner) I will make every effort to get it to you!
Yes indeed, is very nice and easy to care for it!
If you ask my housband, he will say that he wants a thuja wall all over our yard, hehe! It's very expensive, though! :D
Cellulite cream?? Don't bother to use it, it will not make any difference!
*You can ship anything to Romania, of course, but the cost is higher than US. A lot more. So, please, don't withdraw my name out of a pocket. Thanks anyway for the giveaway! I am thinking to follow your steps sometime soon!
Sunt superbe! le-am vazut de cum le-ai pus pe net, dar abia acum am putin timp (e mama afara cu Teo...). Sa le stapaniti sanatosi, sa se faca mari si frumoase si sa ne bucuram si noi ochii cu ele, da?????
hai ca am intrat si eu pe mess si am vazut statutusul cu gradinaritul si uite asa am ajuns sa te frunzaresc :) pacat ca mama nu se prea pricepe la blogareala ca ii faceam blog imediat si o inscriam la tine in ograda, ca la cate flori are poate sa-si deschida magazin :))
si printre altele am vazut si art tau cu thuja si vroiam sa te intreb voi de unde le luati asa mari si frumoase? ca noi am luat cateva, 2 feluri, insa micute. si poti sa-mi zici, te rog, si de preturi?
hai merci,
PS: sarbatori fericite si sa va traiasca buburuzica. mult succes la explorat :)
Helllloooooo, Carmina! Bine ai venit pe blog-urile mele!
Despre mama ta... sa stii ca si mama mea a invatat sa intre pe net, are mess si se converseaza inclusiv pe webcam, trimite mail-uri... daca ii rezolvi tu partea "artistica" - tema, culori, widget-uri, dansa poate doar sa posteze. :) Te prinzi...? :))
Despre Thuja si preturi... da-mi un mesaj/mail dupa Paste si te pun in legatura cu domnul de la care le-am cumparat. Preturi "rezon". :D
PS: buburuza voastra ce face? Ai zis ca vii cu ea in studio, n-ai mai ajuns... :)
PS2: Paste Fericit! Pupam fetele!
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