Monica, finally, I made it! Here are some pictures with my dahlias. I didn't moved the couch, so I used the blitz. The pictures are ok.
2 ghivece, 6 bulbi, 4 dalii mari si 2 mici.
2 pots, 6 bulbs, 4 big and 2 small dahlias.
Unul dintre ghivece... e cel mai interesant. Una dintre dalii este diferita de celelalte 5. Vei vedea de ce in urmatoarele fotografii.
One of the pots... the interesting one. One of the dahlia is different from the other 5. You will know why in the next pictures.
Modelul de frunze (si apoi de flori) comun pentru 5 bulbi.
The leaves' pattern common for 5 bulbs (and then for the flowers).
Frunzele daliei aparte.
The different dahlia's leaves.
2 comentarii:
Silvia- these look to be very promising. I don't plant them in Idaho, as our weather would require I dig them up and store them in the fall. That is just not going to happen in my life. I like way less maintenance. In a less harsh climate, they can grow in-ground all year. Good luck with yours.
Mda... the same thing here! Last year I lost them because I forgot to remove them from the ground in October. In Bucharest, the climate is not very harsh, but we can have minus 10-15 Celsius in the winter.
I like less maintenance too because the lack of spare time to care for them.
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