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duminică, 22 martie 2009

Gradina mea, la inceputul primaverii (My garden at the beginning of the spring)

Asa... astazi a fost o zi superba, m-am trezit de la 6, ca Mariuca a avut dureri de la dinti... ca atare, m-am pus pe realizat fotografii. Cum arata o parte din gradina mea inainte de lucrarile de primavara, de diversele amenajari specifice anotimpului.

Well... today was a beautiful day, I woke up at 6 o'clock, because Mariuca had teeth pain... so, I made up some pictures. This is how it looks a part of my garden before spring works, specific for the season.

Monica, nu te-am uitat cu pozele cu daliile mele. Maine le voi face cu siguranta! E mai complicat, pentru ca vreau sa le mut in lumina naturala, sa nu folosesc blitz-ul, si pentru asta trebuie sa mut o canapea.

Monica, I didn't forget about you, with my dalia's pictures. Tomorrow I will take some shots for sure! It is a little bit complicated, because I want to move them in natural light, to take some shots without the blitz, and for that I have to move a couch.

Aici avem levantica, deja la al treilea an in gradina noastra. Am cumparat-o cand era mica-mica, cred ca avea vreo 10 cm inaltime, iar acum, iesita din iarna, arata asa. Anul trecut, foloseam tijele cu flori pentru aranjamentul de pe masa din dining.

Here we have the lavander, third year on our garden. We bought it when it was very small, about 10 cm, and now, after the winter, looks like this. Last year I used the flowers for my dining table arrangement.

Trandafirul rosu si, in background, crinul salbatic.

The red rose and, in the background, wild lily.

Mugurii de magnolie, superbi!

Magnolia's buds, superb!

Crinul salbatic a crescut ca nebunul, deja a depasit cadrul de lemn din jurul lui. Saptamana trecuta era cam pe la jumatate.

The wild lily grew madly, already taller than the wooden fence around it. Last week was half of the fence.

Capsunii cataratori, inca necuratati, dar cu frunze noi-noute si verzi. Mai jos veti vedea ce capsuni au produs anul trecut. :) O surpriza!

Climbing strawberries, with old leaves yet, but also with brand new leaves, green. Next picture will be a surprise, you will see what was their product last year!


Mugurii ciresului... sper ca anul acesta sa produca macar 2-3 cirese, ca ar trebui sa fie primul an cu rod.

Cherry tree's buds... I am hoping this year will have at least 2-3 cherries, it should be the first year with fruits.

2 comentarii:

Jan spunea...

Hi Silvia,
You have a wonderful variety of plants and flowering trees and shrubs! That is one HUGE strawberry...I hope you get many more this year! When I was a child we had a cherry tree in our mom used to make a lot of things with those cherries! We kids would climb the tree (it was sturdy and many years old). I love magnolia flowers so when those open on the tree, they'll be gorgeous!! Wild Lily...I'm not sure what that is...but it looks like it's growing and thriving in your yard! Is it like the orange tiger lily?

Unknown spunea...

Jan, thank you very much! I think my garden is beautiful because of the variety of plants, flowers, trees and shrubs. I dont't like to concentrate only to some plants (I mean plants in general, including above mentioned trees, flowers etc.), but to have starting spring until late fall, in every month, something to watch, care or pick.

The strawberry was huge and I had more like this. I want this year to make a jam for my daughter. I hope I will have enough fruits. :)

I am a little bit sad because we have only young trees, and you can't climb them. But we want young plants to grow in our garden, to see them through all the stages. We can shop for large ones, 3-5 years old, but it's not the same feeling.

You saw my post about magnolia? And the flowers from last year?

Wild lily is the popular name for it. I don't know the latin name for sure, I think is lilium martagon... Looks like the tiger, but this lily doesn't have black spots. It's pure orange. When they will have flowers, I will put some photos and I will make another contest "guess the flower". :)