Ooo, you can't imagine how pleased I am when I'm receiving ideas of posts. Monica gave me an e-mail and ask information about dahlias. In Germany, in the city where she lives, it will be a fair in two weeks and she can find a lot of types of dahlias.
Daliile sunt originare din Mexic si America de Sud si au culori intense, vibrante, asociate cu acea parte a lumii. Poate nu stiti, dar, popular, dalia se numeste gherghina. Dupa cum spuneam, le poti gasi in nenumarate culori si forme, de la alb la galben, portocaliu sau in dungi - alb cu visiniu (fratelui meu i-ar placea aceasta varianta, ca tine cu Rapid, hehe). Le puteti vedea mici si "pline", ca o crizantema sau largi, cu "volane".
The dahlias are originary from Mexico and South America and they have vibrant, intense colours, asociated with that part of world. Maybe you don't know, but in Romania, dahlias are popular named as gherghina. As I said, you can find them in numerous colours and shapes, from white to yellow, orange or in stripes - white with purple (my brother would love this combination, because it's a fan of Rapid, hehe). You can see them small and "full", like a chrysanthemum or large, with "folds".
Din pacate, florile nu rezista foarte mult, in maxim o saptamana se usuca, dar merita, chiar daca dureaza atat de putin. Aveti grija sa nu le confundati cu crizantemele, cele doua fiind inrudite. Daliile ajung pana la maxim 2 m, cu frunze mari si tulpini usor lemnificate.
Unfortunately, the flowers are not last too long, maximum one week, but it worth it! Be careful not to mix up with chrysanthemums, they are related. The dahlias can be 2 m tall maximum, with large leaves and wooden stalks.
Ce e foarte important: mai bine rupeti frunzele in exces si cele pe cale sa se usuce, ca sa reduceti transpiratia florilor, pentru ca daliile iubesc apa si prefera sa fie udate constant.
Dalia infloreste pe toata durata verii, din iunie pana in octombrie. In mod normal, o singura planta ar trebui sa produca aproximativ 20 de flori pe parcursul celor 5 luni de viata. Evident, cand florile se usuca, e bine sa le rupeti, ca sa dea unele noi.
The dahlia blooms all the summer, from june to october. Normally, one plant can give you approx. 20 flowers in all the 5 months of life. Of course, if the flowers are dry, you should sever them, for the new ones to come.
Iubeste solul bogat in humus, locurile bine insorite si ferite de curenti de aer. Prefera gradinile din zone deluroase, cu temperaturi moderate, dar rezista foarte bine si la ses, cu conditia sa fie udata din abundenta, pentru ca este masiva si tulpinile sunt ca niste tevi, goale la mijloc, iar lipsa apei le frange foarte usor.
Loves the rich soil in humus, sunny places and no air drafts. Preffers the hills' gardens, moderate temperatures, but also loves the plains, but with plenty of water. It is a big plant and the stalks are like pipes, empty inside, and the lack of water breaks them easily.
Este destul de pretentioasa, de aceea putine gradini de-ale noastre au flori frumoase si rezistente de dalia.
It is very pretentious, that's why a few romanian gardens have beautiful and resistant dahlia flowers.
Pentru a fi inmultite, se folosesc radacinile tuberizate, care se taie departe de muguri si se planteaza, la inceputul lui februarie sau martie, in ghivece, ladite sau sere, in pamant de frunze amestecat cu telina si nisip. In gradina, se planteaza la inceputul lui aprilie.
You can use the roots to multiply it, cutting the buds and plant them at the beginning of february or march, in pots, boxes or green houses, in ground leaves blended with sand and celery. In the garden you can plant them at the beginning of april.
Dalia se mai poate inmulti si prin butasi, dar trebuie sa nu fie acoperiti cu prea mult pamant si nici la o adancime prea mare. De acest amanunt depinde cat de repede vor creste si vor inflori noile lastare de plante. In plus, ele nu trebuie sa fie plantate prea dese, pentru a nu se umbri una pe alta, afectand calitatea florilor.
You can multiply them with seedling, but do not cover them with too much ground, in a not to deep hole. This way they will grow faster. Don't plant them to close to each other!
You have to water them in the morning and at night with a lot of water, adding mineral substances through growing period, to ensure a good development. In the same time, you have to remove the weeds and to treat them, if necessary, for bugs and diseases.
In octombrie, cand dau primele brume, radacinile daliilor se scot cu atentie pentru a nu le rani si se depoziteaza in spatii reci (pivnite, magazii, sere reci). Se curata de pamant, se spala cu apa rece, se dezinfecteaza, se asaza in ladite (pe un singur strat) si se pastreaza la temperaturi de 4-6 grade C. Primavara se reia ciclul lor de viata.
In october, before the first white frost, you have to remove carefully the roots and to put them in cold spaces (basement, sheds, cold green house). Wash them with cold water, disinfect them, put them in boxes (on a single layer) and keep them at 4-6 Celsius degrees. In the spring time, the cycle of life begins again.
Monica, daca ma intrebi pe mine, e posibil ca zona in care locuiesti tu sa nu fie propice cultivarii daliilor. Sau, cel mai probabil, nu le-ai udat din abundenta sau ai facut-o pe parcursul zilei, in loc de dimineata sau seara. Sincera sa fiu, si eu am pus dalii anul trecut si le-am pierdut, dar asta pentru ca nu le-am scos din pamant in octombrie. Acum am pus din nou, in casa inca, si deja le-au dat primele frunze. O sa fac niste poze maine si o sa le atasez la acest mesaj.
Monica, if you ask me, it's possible that your living area is bad for dahlias. Or, probably, you didn't water them a lot or you did it during the day, instead of morning or night. Frankly, I plant some dahlias last year and I lost them, but that because I didn't remove in october. Right now I plant 6 bulbs again, in the house, and they have already leaves. I will make some photos tomorrow and I will attach them to this message.
2 comentarii:
Multumesc mult Silvia!! Am bagat la cap si dupa targ in functie de ce gasesc te anunt ce am facut.
Si sper sa ajung sa pun anul asta si ceva poze cu dalii.
Cu mare placere! Astept cu interes targul si sa imi spui ce ai cumparat!
Eu iti doresc sa iti iasa daliile! Inca nu am reusit sa fac poze, dar se rezolva zilele astea.
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