Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!
Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!
marți, 31 martie 2009
Blog Director de Gradinarit
Booon, dupa cum va spuneam... acum cateva zile, mi-a venit ideea sa fac un Blog Director cu si despre site-uri/blog-uri romanesti despre gradinarit. Da, da, stiu confuzie de termeni. Luati si cititi aici ce am avut in cap cand am gandit acest concept!
Astept feed-back-uri, idei, intrebari, sugestii, ce va trece prin cap! Legat de aceasta "crazy idea" si nu numai! Am facut pentru toate blog-urile personale (Creata la patrat, Creata la cub si Blog Director) adrese de mail, le gasiti in bara din dreapta. Sa fie mai rapida si personala comunicarea cu mine!
luni, 30 martie 2009
Our new thuja! Noile noastre thuja!
Yesterday morning we increased our thuja collection, this time with 5 gorgeous plants, big and beautiful.
Pe acesta rotund l-am vrut in mod deosebit, pentru ca mi-a placut ideea unei plante rotunde, pentru ca era perfect pentru ghiveciul mare realizat de catre Dani (ajutat de tatal meu) si pentru ca nu am mai vazut pana acum.
This round thuja I particularly loved, because I love the idea of a round plant, because is perfect for my big wooden pot made by Dani (helped by my father), and because I didn't see a round thuja before.
Pozele le-am facut acum 10 minute, dar era o lumina foarte ciudata afara, de aceea s-ar putea sa nu va placa. Dar ideea este sa vedeti plantele, nu? :)
10 minutes ago I made the pictures, but it was a very strange light, so it's possible not to like them. But the idea is to see the plants, right? :)
Grupul celor 3! Ideea lui Dani este sa facem un "zid" de thuja, ca sa fie izolant fonic si sa tina praful la distanta de intrarea in casa.
G3 group! Dani's idea is to make a thuja "wall", to sound isolate and to keep the dust away from our main entrance.
Thuja cea mare, plantata de catre Dani langa pin, aproape de foisor. E superba si imi place foarte mult!
The big thuja, planted by Dani near the pine, close to the garden wooden tower. It's gorgeous and I love it!
Thuja a devenit o planta foarte iubita si in Romania, mai ales in parcuri si in gradinile publice, dar si in gradinile particulare. Aspectul sau decorativ si faptul ca este mereu verde ii face pe multi sa o cumpere, sa o ingrijeasca si sa o iubeasca.
Thuja became a very popular plant in Romania (and loved), planted in parks and public gardens, also in private gardens. Its decorative nature and the fact is always green makes a lot of people to buy it, to care for it and to love it.
Cea mai cunoscuta specie de thuja este Thuja occidentalis si este originara din sudul Canadei si nordul Statelor Unite. Are talie inalta (10-15 metri), cu forma piramidala. Este foarte rezistenta la temperaturile scazute, la seceta si suporta tunderea, spre deosebire de alte variante de thuja.
Thuja occidentalis is a very well-known species and it's native south Canada and north USA. It's a tall plant (10-15 m), pyramidal shape. It's resistent to low temperatures, drought and can be cut, unlike other species.
Carolus Linnaeus a descris aceasta planta in 1753, iar numele i-a ramas pana astazi. Alte nume comune: Eastern Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Techny Arborvitae sau simplu Arborvitae.
Carolus Linnaeus described this plant in 1753 and the name remains current. Common names: Eastern Arborvitae, American Arborvitae, Techny Arborvitae, or just Arborvitae.
Thuja orientalis face parte din familia Cupressaceae si este originara din China si Japonia. Era denumita arbor vitae, adica arborele vietii de catre vechii alchimisti ai Evului Mediu. Grecii, egiptenii si chinezii il foloseau in arta terapeutica de acum 3.000 ani. Insusi regele Solomon (il stiti, cel cu judecata dreapta lui Solomon) a construit templu din Ierusalim din piatra si lemn de thuja.
Thuja orientalis is a part of Cupressaceae family and it's native China and Japan. The ancient alchemists from the Middle Ages gave it the name "arbor vitae", that means life's tree. The Greeks, the Egyptians and the Chinese used it in therapeutical art since 3.000 years ago. Solomon himself (you know him, the one with the Solomon's judgement) built the Jerusalem temple out of stone and thuja wood.
Unele femei folosesc rasina proaspata fara sa stie acest lucru. Cu ajutorul ei se fac anumite creme impotriva celulitei.
Some women use the fresh thuja pitch without knowing this. You can find it in some cellulite cream.
marți, 24 martie 2009
2 beautiful flowers in my home! 2 flori superbe in casa!
I am very proud that I have 2 beautiful flowers, white and red. The red one is - for sure - Anthurium, a flower that I like in particular.
Este mandra, pretioasa, ca un adevarat flamingo, cum este denumita popular. O putem gasi in varianta rosu, alb, galben si chiar verde. De fapt, spata colorata este o frunza modificata, care protejeaza inflorescenta din mijloc. Acelea din mijloc sunt florile, mici, multe, dispuse strans intr-un spic.
It is a proud, precious flower, like a true flamingo, which is the popular name. We can see it in red, white, yellow or green colours. In fact, the colored broad is a modified leave, which protects the middle inflorescence. The flowers are the one in the middle, small, many, tide up in an ear.
Eu am pus-o spre sud-vest, dar in mod normal nu-i place soarele direct, dar caldura da, pentru ca este planta tropicala. Daca nu ma insel, e sud-americana.
I oriented to south-west, but usually likes the heat, but not direct sunlight, because it is a tropical plant. If I'm not wrong, it is south-american.
Pentru ca in mediul ei originar traieste la adapostul copacilor, iar florile ies in evidenta prin coloritul viu, si-a dezvoltat o protectie de care trebuie sa tineti seama si voi, mai ales daca aveti copii sau va vin in vizita familii cu copii: planta contine anumite substante care pot provoca iritatii ale pielii. Nu e nimic grav, dar poate fi neplacut pentru cei mici. Nu ii lasati sa se joace cu ea sau sa ii rupa frunze.
On native environment lives under the trees, and the flowers needed to develop a protection because of their beauty. So you should take into consideration that the plant contains a substance which can irritate the children's skin. So if you have children of your own or the friends are coming with children in your home, please don't leave them to play with the plant or to sever the leaves. It's not something serious, but can be unpleasant for the kids.
Noi, de exemplu, avem multe plante in casa care pot provoca iritatii sau sunt otravitoare daca li se ingereaza frunzele. Monstera, Dieffenbachia si Philodendron, care, culmea!, fac parte din aceeasi familie cu Anthurium - Aracae. Dar cu Mariuca am stabilit inca de la inceput ca nu are voie la plante. I-am repetat, timp de vreo luna-doua, de mii de ori, pana a inteles ca nu e de joaca cu ele. E indicat sa stabiliti reguli, mai ales daca stiti ca aveti plante de genul acesta.
We, for example, have a lot of plants which can be irritated for the skin or they contain poison. Monstera, Dieffenbachia si Philodendron, which - curious! - are part of the same family as Anthurium - Aracae. But I established some ground rules with Mariuca since from the beginning. She is not allowed to play with the plants. I told her, over and over again, for one or two months, and after that she understood. It's very good to make some house rules regarding your plants, especially this type of plants.
Tipul raspandit in Romania se numeste Anthurium Andraeanum si este planta specifica insulei Hawaii. Chiar mai devreme am vizitat un blog si am vazut fotografii din Hawaii, cu diverse plante, printre care si Anthurium.
The common Romanian type is called Anthurium Andraeanum and it is specific to Hawaii island. Earlier I visited a blog and I saw some pictures from Hawaii, different plants, among also Anthurium.
A mea este inca tanara, am primit-o anul trecut de la Cris, ca atare florile sunt inca micute, dar a avut o evolutie spectaculoasa. Si anul trecut a facut flori, cu toate ca nu ma asteptam, iar acum, caldura solara a stimulat-o si are deja 3 flori.
Mine is still young, Cris gave it to me last year, so the flowers are small, but with a spectacular evolution. Last year excel my expectations and had flowers, and now, the sunlight heat stimulate it and has already 3 flowers.
Cea de-a doua planta am cumparat-o anul trecut din Hornbach, era la reducere, pentru ca nu avea flori. E a doua oara cand imi bucura ochiul cu florile ei albe, dar, din pacate, nu stiu cum se numeste. Ca atare, ca am vazut ca v-a placut concursul ad-hoc, organizez un alt concurs. Premiul este acesta:
The second plant bought it last year from Hornbach, with a discount because it was without flowers. Is the second time that it please me with the white flowers, but unfortunately, I don't know its name. So, as I saw you liked my ad-hoc contest, I am organizing another one. The prize is this:
Floarea este alba, frunzele sunt verde inchis, cu striatii. Stie cineva cum se numeste? Daca o cunoasteti, va rog sa lasati un comentariu la acest post, cu numele ei, prenumele vostru si adresa blog-ului/site-ului propriu.
The flower is white, as I said, the leaves are dark green, with striations. Anyone knows the name? If you do, please leave a comment to this post, with the name of the flower, your surname and your blog/site web address.
luni, 23 martie 2009
Poze Dalia - Dahlia pictures
Monica, finally, I made it! Here are some pictures with my dahlias. I didn't moved the couch, so I used the blitz. The pictures are ok.
2 ghivece, 6 bulbi, 4 dalii mari si 2 mici.
2 pots, 6 bulbs, 4 big and 2 small dahlias.
Unul dintre ghivece... e cel mai interesant. Una dintre dalii este diferita de celelalte 5. Vei vedea de ce in urmatoarele fotografii.
One of the pots... the interesting one. One of the dahlia is different from the other 5. You will know why in the next pictures.
Modelul de frunze (si apoi de flori) comun pentru 5 bulbi.
The leaves' pattern common for 5 bulbs (and then for the flowers).
Frunzele daliei aparte.
The different dahlia's leaves.
Two prizes from me!
I received today an e-mail from Cluj Botanical Garden about the red flower that you all noticed! And this is the answer: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. In Romania is popular named as japanese rose, but the name is not a right one.
So, the mistery is solved! Kate and Tatyana, you won the prize for an ad-hoc contest, "name the flower". :)) Congratulations!
Here you can see what type of hibiscus seeds I have. As you can see, apart from the long pistil, the flower resembles with hibiscus rosa-sinensis, but you can't say for sure that are related. That's why I was so sure about not being a hibiscus, hehe!
duminică, 22 martie 2009
Gradina mea, la inceputul primaverii (My garden at the beginning of the spring)
Well... today was a beautiful day, I woke up at 6 o'clock, because Mariuca had teeth pain... so, I made up some pictures. This is how it looks a part of my garden before spring works, specific for the season.
Monica, nu te-am uitat cu pozele cu daliile mele. Maine le voi face cu siguranta! E mai complicat, pentru ca vreau sa le mut in lumina naturala, sa nu folosesc blitz-ul, si pentru asta trebuie sa mut o canapea.
Monica, I didn't forget about you, with my dalia's pictures. Tomorrow I will take some shots for sure! It is a little bit complicated, because I want to move them in natural light, to take some shots without the blitz, and for that I have to move a couch.
Aici avem levantica, deja la al treilea an in gradina noastra. Am cumparat-o cand era mica-mica, cred ca avea vreo 10 cm inaltime, iar acum, iesita din iarna, arata asa. Anul trecut, foloseam tijele cu flori pentru aranjamentul de pe masa din dining.
Here we have the lavander, third year on our garden. We bought it when it was very small, about 10 cm, and now, after the winter, looks like this. Last year I used the flowers for my dining table arrangement.
Trandafirul rosu si, in background, crinul salbatic.
The red rose and, in the background, wild lily.
Mugurii de magnolie, superbi!
Magnolia's buds, superb!
Crinul salbatic a crescut ca nebunul, deja a depasit cadrul de lemn din jurul lui. Saptamana trecuta era cam pe la jumatate.
The wild lily grew madly, already taller than the wooden fence around it. Last week was half of the fence.
Capsunii cataratori, inca necuratati, dar cu frunze noi-noute si verzi. Mai jos veti vedea ce capsuni au produs anul trecut. :) O surpriza!
Climbing strawberries, with old leaves yet, but also with brand new leaves, green. Next picture will be a surprise, you will see what was their product last year!
Mugurii ciresului... sper ca anul acesta sa produca macar 2-3 cirese, ca ar trebui sa fie primul an cu rod.
Cherry tree's buds... I am hoping this year will have at least 2-3 cherries, it should be the first year with fruits.
sâmbătă, 21 martie 2009
Poze - Pictures
O veverita se plimba agale...
As I mentioned in previous post, now I am uploading pictures with Cluj Botanical Garden! Enjoy them! Click on each picture to see them at the original size and then click "back" to return to my blog.
A squirrel was walking slowly...
Suntem atat de mici...
We are so small...
Sera cu plante tropicale
Tropical plants' green house
Inca una...
Another one...
Un palmier superb
A superb palm tree
Fotograful, se vede de la o posta, a fost Dani (
The photographer, you can see it from a distance, was Dani (
Nuferi cum nu am vazut niciodata
Water lilies as I never seen before
Gradini Botanice
I put the links for well-known botanical gardens, some from Romania and some from different continents. You can find them on the right page. Worth a visit! Virtually, as well as physically!
Eu vreau sa vorbesc despre istoria gradinilor din Bucuresti si Cluj-Napoca. Pentru ca fiecare dintre ele vizeaza dezvoltarea valentelor educative si de informare a publicului, dar si a celor de cercetare si conservare a diversitatii plantelor autohtone si alohtone.
I want to tell you about the history of Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca botanical gardens. Because everyone of them is a cultural, educational and research center for the public, protecting and preservating the vegetal diversity.
Gradina Botanica "Dimitrie Brandza" din Bucuresti este vizitata de foarte multi oameni. Si pe buna dreptate! Dupa parerea mea, nu este atat de spectaculoasa ca cea din Cluj, dar merita sa iti petreci o dupa-amiaza alaturi de copilul si sotul tau. E destul de mare pentru o gradina aproape de centrul capitalei, in prezent are 17,5 ha. A fost infiintata in 1860, in timpul domniei lui Cuza. Atunci avea doar 7 ha. In cadrul ei putem gasi un Muzeu Botanic, un Herbar General (500.000 coli)si o Librarie Botanica (>9.000 carti).
The Bucharest Botanical Garden "Dimitrie Brandza" is visited by many people. In my opinion, it's not so spectacular as Cluj Botanical Garden, but it worth to spend an afternoon their, with your child and husband. It's large for a garden close to the capital's center, at present benefits of an area of about 17,5 ha. It was founded in 1860 during the region of Cuza. Then had only 7 ha. The institution has a Botanical Museum, a General Herbarium (500.000 sheets) and a Botanical Library (over 9.000 volumes).
In 1884, Dimitrie Brandza a obtinut fondurile necesare pentru a construi gradina in locatia actuala, utilizand modelul serelor Gradinii Botanice din Liege. In 1994, dupa 110 ani de la amplasarea ei pe Dealul Cotroceni, Gradina Botanica a primit numele profesorului Dr. Dimitrie Brandza.
In 1884, Dimitrie Brandza obtained all the necessary funds to build the garden in the current location, using Liege Botanical Garden green house's model. In 1994, after 110 years from its movement on the Cotroceni Hill, Botanical Garden added professor Dr. Dimitrie Brandza's name.
Pretul de intrare in Gradina Botanica este ridicol de mic, doar 5 lei noi, in muzeu doar 2 lei noi, in sere tot 2 lei noi. Copiii prescolari si veteranii de razboi intra gratuit, elevii si pensionarii au reduceri.
The entrance price is ridiculous, only 5 new lei (about 1,5 US Dollars), museum only 2 new lei (0,6 US Dollars), green houses 2 new lei also. Children under school age and war veterans can enter for free, school children and pensioners have discounts.
Gradina Botanica Alexandru Borza din Cluj-Napoca a fost inaugurata in 1920, cu o suprafata de 14 ha si in jur de 10.000 de categorii specifice. Plante ornamentale, gradina japoneza, gradina romana, plante medicinale, Herbar si Muzeul Botanic. Acestea sunt cateva dintre atractiile acestei gradini.
Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden Alexandru Borza was opened in 1920, within an area of 14 ha and around 10.000 specific categories. Ornamental plants, japonese garden, roman garden, medicinal plants, Herbarium and Botanical Museum. These are a few of this garden attractions.
Urmatorul post va fi dedicat numai pozelor din Gradina Botanica din Cluj-Napoca, unde am fost acum 3 ani impreuna cu Dani, dupa un concediu mai lung prin tara.
The next post will be dedicated only to Cluj-Napoca Botanical Garden pictures, where we were (me and Dani) 3 years ago, after a long vacation in Romania.
vineri, 20 martie 2009
As you can see, being its first year, I put a small wire fence around it, to protect it from Dochita or Mati (our dogs). The picture was taken on March, the first month of spring, so I didn't cut the grass. It is absolutely necessary to protect the magnolias, especially through first years of life, because in Romania the temperatures during winter season can be even -20 Celsius degrees.
Dani le-a plantat pe modelul clasic, cu nisip pe fundul gropii amestecat cu pamant de flori, iar magnolia a fost pusa in pamant pana la inceputul tulpinii. Dupa ce tot pamantul a fost pus la loc, aveti grija sa il calcati in picioare, ca sa nu ramana goluri de aer in sol.
Kobus, stellata sau liliiflora nigra sunt doar cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute tipuri de magnolii. Noi le avem pe prima si ultima. Prietenele mele din Statele Unite trebuie sa stie mai bine: a mai aparut un soi obtinut in tara lor, Elizabeth, prima magnolie de alta culoare, si anume galbena. Il puteti gasi, bineinteles, si in Romania. Dar nu ma intrebati cat costa, deoarece s-ar putea sa renuntati sa il achiziotionati. Intre noi fie spus, suma poate depasi si 20 milioane, in functie de marime.
marți, 17 martie 2009
Ooo, you can't imagine how pleased I am when I'm receiving ideas of posts. Monica gave me an e-mail and ask information about dahlias. In Germany, in the city where she lives, it will be a fair in two weeks and she can find a lot of types of dahlias.
Daliile sunt originare din Mexic si America de Sud si au culori intense, vibrante, asociate cu acea parte a lumii. Poate nu stiti, dar, popular, dalia se numeste gherghina. Dupa cum spuneam, le poti gasi in nenumarate culori si forme, de la alb la galben, portocaliu sau in dungi - alb cu visiniu (fratelui meu i-ar placea aceasta varianta, ca tine cu Rapid, hehe). Le puteti vedea mici si "pline", ca o crizantema sau largi, cu "volane".
The dahlias are originary from Mexico and South America and they have vibrant, intense colours, asociated with that part of world. Maybe you don't know, but in Romania, dahlias are popular named as gherghina. As I said, you can find them in numerous colours and shapes, from white to yellow, orange or in stripes - white with purple (my brother would love this combination, because it's a fan of Rapid, hehe). You can see them small and "full", like a chrysanthemum or large, with "folds".
Din pacate, florile nu rezista foarte mult, in maxim o saptamana se usuca, dar merita, chiar daca dureaza atat de putin. Aveti grija sa nu le confundati cu crizantemele, cele doua fiind inrudite. Daliile ajung pana la maxim 2 m, cu frunze mari si tulpini usor lemnificate.
Unfortunately, the flowers are not last too long, maximum one week, but it worth it! Be careful not to mix up with chrysanthemums, they are related. The dahlias can be 2 m tall maximum, with large leaves and wooden stalks.
Ce e foarte important: mai bine rupeti frunzele in exces si cele pe cale sa se usuce, ca sa reduceti transpiratia florilor, pentru ca daliile iubesc apa si prefera sa fie udate constant.
Dalia infloreste pe toata durata verii, din iunie pana in octombrie. In mod normal, o singura planta ar trebui sa produca aproximativ 20 de flori pe parcursul celor 5 luni de viata. Evident, cand florile se usuca, e bine sa le rupeti, ca sa dea unele noi.
The dahlia blooms all the summer, from june to october. Normally, one plant can give you approx. 20 flowers in all the 5 months of life. Of course, if the flowers are dry, you should sever them, for the new ones to come.
Iubeste solul bogat in humus, locurile bine insorite si ferite de curenti de aer. Prefera gradinile din zone deluroase, cu temperaturi moderate, dar rezista foarte bine si la ses, cu conditia sa fie udata din abundenta, pentru ca este masiva si tulpinile sunt ca niste tevi, goale la mijloc, iar lipsa apei le frange foarte usor.
Loves the rich soil in humus, sunny places and no air drafts. Preffers the hills' gardens, moderate temperatures, but also loves the plains, but with plenty of water. It is a big plant and the stalks are like pipes, empty inside, and the lack of water breaks them easily.
Este destul de pretentioasa, de aceea putine gradini de-ale noastre au flori frumoase si rezistente de dalia.
It is very pretentious, that's why a few romanian gardens have beautiful and resistant dahlia flowers.
Pentru a fi inmultite, se folosesc radacinile tuberizate, care se taie departe de muguri si se planteaza, la inceputul lui februarie sau martie, in ghivece, ladite sau sere, in pamant de frunze amestecat cu telina si nisip. In gradina, se planteaza la inceputul lui aprilie.
You can use the roots to multiply it, cutting the buds and plant them at the beginning of february or march, in pots, boxes or green houses, in ground leaves blended with sand and celery. In the garden you can plant them at the beginning of april.
Dalia se mai poate inmulti si prin butasi, dar trebuie sa nu fie acoperiti cu prea mult pamant si nici la o adancime prea mare. De acest amanunt depinde cat de repede vor creste si vor inflori noile lastare de plante. In plus, ele nu trebuie sa fie plantate prea dese, pentru a nu se umbri una pe alta, afectand calitatea florilor.
You can multiply them with seedling, but do not cover them with too much ground, in a not to deep hole. This way they will grow faster. Don't plant them to close to each other!
You have to water them in the morning and at night with a lot of water, adding mineral substances through growing period, to ensure a good development. In the same time, you have to remove the weeds and to treat them, if necessary, for bugs and diseases.
In octombrie, cand dau primele brume, radacinile daliilor se scot cu atentie pentru a nu le rani si se depoziteaza in spatii reci (pivnite, magazii, sere reci). Se curata de pamant, se spala cu apa rece, se dezinfecteaza, se asaza in ladite (pe un singur strat) si se pastreaza la temperaturi de 4-6 grade C. Primavara se reia ciclul lor de viata.
In october, before the first white frost, you have to remove carefully the roots and to put them in cold spaces (basement, sheds, cold green house). Wash them with cold water, disinfect them, put them in boxes (on a single layer) and keep them at 4-6 Celsius degrees. In the spring time, the cycle of life begins again.
Monica, daca ma intrebi pe mine, e posibil ca zona in care locuiesti tu sa nu fie propice cultivarii daliilor. Sau, cel mai probabil, nu le-ai udat din abundenta sau ai facut-o pe parcursul zilei, in loc de dimineata sau seara. Sincera sa fiu, si eu am pus dalii anul trecut si le-am pierdut, dar asta pentru ca nu le-am scos din pamant in octombrie. Acum am pus din nou, in casa inca, si deja le-au dat primele frunze. O sa fac niste poze maine si o sa le atasez la acest mesaj.
Monica, if you ask me, it's possible that your living area is bad for dahlias. Or, probably, you didn't water them a lot or you did it during the day, instead of morning or night. Frankly, I plant some dahlias last year and I lost them, but that because I didn't remove in october. Right now I plant 6 bulbs again, in the house, and they have already leaves. I will make some photos tomorrow and I will attach them to this message.
luni, 16 martie 2009
Crinul salbatic
I told you yesterday that I will talk about a plant who makes beautiful flowers, wild lily. All the pictures are from last year, in may, because right now the leaves are too small, about half of the wooden fence around the lily.
Aici este o poza de ansamblu: in stanga imaginii aveti crinul, alaturi cateva thuya, iar in dreapta un trandafir rosu si o magnolie alba.
This is a general view: on the left, you can see the lily, close to some thuya, on the right you can see a red rose and a white magnolia.
O alta poza... cu zoom in frunzele crinului.
Another picture, zoom into the lily's leaves.
Cam asa arata anul trecut, in mai, gradina noastra. Anul acesta, pentru ca mi-am facut blog-ul acesta, voi cauta sa realizez fotografii frumoase, dar sugestive, cu fiecare planta, copac si floare in parte, dar si cu imagini de ansamblu, ca sa vedeti cum arata totul. Anul trecut nu m-a preocupat acest aspect, eu faceam pozele doar ca sa stiu cum au evoluat lucrurile in timp. Dar acum sunt determinata sa corectez lucrurile, hehe!
Our garden, last year in may. This year, because I made this blog, I will try to make some incredibile pictures, suggestive ones, with every plant, tree, shrub or flower, but also with general views of the garden, to see the whole. Last year I didn't take into account this hobby, because my only interest was that I can see the phases of growth. But right now I am determined to change that thing, hehe!
Toata lumea iubeste crinul, mai ales ca il vede foarte des, in special in aranjamentele florale de mireasa sau nasa, dar si in buchete pretentioase. Este o floare foarte frumoasa, prezenta in mai multe variante de culori - alb, galben, portocaliu, roz, rosu sau chiar verde. Cea alba, o specie comuna in Romania, cunoscuta sub numele de crin imperial, miroase extrem de puternic si daca il tii in camera, te ia ameteala rapid.
Everybody loves the lily, especially in wedding bouquets, but also in other floral arangements. It is a beautiful flower, with a large palette of colours - white, yellow, orange, pink, red or even green. The white one, a common species in Romania, as known as imperial lily, smells very strong and if you keep it in a room, you can easily get dizzy.
Eu am crin salbatic, care, pe langa ca are flori frumoase, portocalii, este verde si are multe frunze sub forma de umbrela. Florile raman proaspete mult timp, si in pamant si in vaza (eu le folosesc ca sa realizez un aranjament floral pentru masa din bucatarie). Cand s-au uscat, le tai cam pe la jumatatea tijei, astept sa se usuce si tija si o smulg din pamant, ca sa nu ramana nimic in urma ei. Dupa putin timp, apar alte flori, in locul celor vechi. Acest proces imi place in mod deosebit, deoarece imi bucura ochiul cateva luni bune.
I have wild lily and it has, beside nice flowers, orange ones, a lot of beautiful green leaves, umbrella shape. The flowers are fresh a long time, in the ground and in a vase (I used them for a floral arangement for the dining table). When they are dry, I cut them around half of the stalk, waiting for the stalk to dry also, after that I rend it from the ground, to be nothing left behind it. After a while, other flowers are growing, replacing the old ones. This process I particularly like because they please my eyes several months.
Iar ca sa fie tinut sub control, in zona dorita, va sfatuiesc sa il ingraditi cu un gardulet de lemn inalt de aproximativ 15-20 cm sau sa il puneti intr-un ghiveci de lemn foarte mare, poate fi de 30-40 cm latime pe 30-40 cm lungime si inalt cam de 50-60 cm.
To keep the lily under control, in your desired area, I will advise you to put a wooden fence around it, tall aprox. 15-20 cm or to put it in a large wooden pot (30-40 cm wide, 30-40 length, 50-60 height).
Pentru ca sunt plante tropicale si sub-tropicale, prefera caldura, lumina si solurile bogate in substante nutritive. Puteti sa adaugati ingrasamant (natural sau artificial) daca observati ca plantei nu ii merge bine. Dar nu in primul an, ca nu e necesar.
Because the lilies are tropical and sub-tropical plants, they prefer warmth, light and rich soil. You can add fertiliser (natural or artificial) if you see that the plant is not growing so well. But not in the first year, it's not necessary.
Crinul salbatic nu miroase asa cum v-ati astepta, este mai mult o floare decorativa. Dar il recomand oricarui gradinar pasionat si oricarui gradinar care nu are timp liber, pentru ca nu este pretentios si creste rapid.
The wild lily doesn't smell as you'll expect, it's more of a decorative flower. But I will recomand it to any passionate gardener or to any gardener without spare time, because it's not pretentious and it grows fast.
duminică, 15 martie 2009
Primele poze
I searched for the last year pictures, because this year the roses are not yet bloom. And I found out some exquisite ones. Let's begin!
Aici este o fotografie cu trandafirul catarator rosu, plantat langa foisor, inca prea mic ca sa ajunga la spalier. Alaturi este un pin, de care, ulterior, s-a folosit pentru a se ridica/catara. Asta mi-a placut, ca era o ingemanare de culori: rosu aprins cu verde inchis.
sâmbătă, 14 martie 2009
Plante cataratoare
Eh, what I wanted for, it's happened! I received the first request from Ceska. She has a board on the balcony and she wants to cover it with some climbing plants. I told her that I will think about some options and I let her know.
Domeniul "plante cataratoare" este un domeniu vast, cu multe variante si optiuni.
"Climbing plants" domain is large and vast, with many options.
Daca vreti sa cresteti plante pentru frunze, iedera (genul Hedera) este o alegere excelenta. Face frunze mici, se ingrijeste usor si se poate tunde. Dar nu se poate lasa iarna afara, daca este crescuta in ghiveci, pentru ca ii pot degera radacinile. Daca o plantati in gradina, atunci e ideala pentru crearea de umbrare langa un spalier, o pergola sau chiar langa un foisor.
If you want to grow plants for leaves, iedera (Hedera regn) it is an excellent choice. Has small leaves, you can take care of it very easily and you can cut it. But you can't keep it in the winter outside, if you have it in a pot, because the roots can freeze. If you plant it in the garden, it's an ideal plant for a natural shadow near a trellis or a garden wooden tower.
Mi-ar placea sa am in gradina sau chiar pe terasa/balcon o floare care se citeste mai usor decat se scrie - bougainvillea. Sunt multe varietati, cu coloristica diferita, de la alb la mov intens, trecand prin rosu aprins.
I would love to have in the garden or even on a balcony a flower with a name easier to pronounce than to write - bougainvillea. There are a lot of varietes, with different colours, strarting with white and ending with hot purple, through bright red.
Ceskai i-as recomanda iasomia, pentru ca este foarte frumoasa. Face flori albe, superbe, dar, mai important, miroase extraordinar. Sau zorelele, care au un nume foarte ciudat in latina, imopoea. Evident, si aici sunt mai multe soiuri, in functie de culoare si de durata deschiderii florilor pe parcursul zilei. De-a lungul gardului din spatele casei, in stanga si in dreapta trandafirilor cataratori, am plantat seminte de zorele, "furate" de la ai mei din gradina de catre finuta mea.
To Ceska I will recommend jasmine, because it is very beautiful. It has superb white flowers, but, most important, it smells divine. Or morning glory with an odd latin name, imopoea. Of course, we can find different species, depending on colour or the duration of the flowers during a day. In the back of my house, near the fence, to the right and to the left from climbing roses, I planted some morning glory seeds, "stolen" from my parents garden by my goddaughter.
Pentru gradina, ce am facut eu alaltaieri, recomand plantarea unor trandafiri cataratori. Am un geam imens in living (ma rog, am doua, dar unul dintre ele ma intereseaza in mod deosebit), si am vrut sa vad florile de trandafir stand pe canapea. Ca atare, am facut 2 gropi adanci, am curatat de buruieni pamantul din jur, am pus nisip pe fundul lor si l-am amestecat cu pamant. Apoi am pus trandafirii, care deja dadusera frunze multe in casa, am adus inapoi pamantul si i-am udat din abundenta. I-am plantat in spatele casei, dar intr-o zona extrem de vizibila din interior, dupa cum spuneam mai sus.
For the garden, what I've done the other day, I recommend climbing roses. I have a huge window in my living (well, I have two huge windows, but in one of them I have a particular interest) and I wanted to see the roses while I sit on my couch. So, I made 2 deep holes, I clean the weeds, I put sand on the bottom of the holes and I blend it with the ground. Then I put the roses, with many leaves already, in a visible area from inside, as I said earlier.
In curte mai avem inca 2 trandafiri cataratori, unul rosu si unul alb, plantati chiar langa foisor. Dani a cumparat 2 spaliere de lemn si le-a montat pe foisor, iar acestia au fost directionati catre baza spalierelor. Acum am plantat inca unul alb si unul galben. Ce imi place la acesti trandafiri: florile sunt foarte mari si frumoase, trandafiri batuti, cum spunem popular. Ce nu imi place la ei: florile nu tin mult si se scutura, dar "covorul" de petale este interesant cateva zile, pana cand se usuca si se face maroniu.
In the garden we have another two climbing roses, red and white, planted near garden wooden tower. Dani bought 2 wooden trellises and mounted on the garden wooden tower, and the roses were directed to the base of the trellises. Now I planted yellow and white roses. What I like about these roses: the flowers are very big and beautiful. What I don't like about them: the flowers are not last for long. The petals "carpet" is interesting for a few days, but then is brown and ugly.
joi, 12 martie 2009
O mica introducere in tainele blog-ului de fata
Am customizat si acest blog, ca sa arate frumos si sa va ajute sa nu pierdeti timpul. Ca atare, aveti 2 variante de cautare, una powered by google in cadrul site-ului meu, si una de cautare in blogosfera de gradinarit, in engleza, of course. Prima va ajuta sa dati cautare dupa un cuvant-cheie, dar sa nu va bagati in arhiva, in caz ca va intereseaza un subiect anume. Daca nu l-am tratat deja, va rog sa lasati un comentariu si il voi trata cu promptitudine. Chiar astept propuneri de articole, daca doriti neaparat sa aflati cum am facut eu intr-o anume situatie. Pentru ca, dupa cum ati vazut, stilul meu de redactare este unul informal, nu este sec si rece, nu arunc cateva lucruri aflate de pe net, eventual chiar din alte tari (ca sa nu se potriveasca cu clima noastra) si nu fur poze. Eu va povestesc cum am facut eu, ce dificultati am intampinat, ce bucurii mi-a adus planta, floarea, copacul, arbustul si ce este de evitat in gradina sau in apartament. Cu lux de amanunte, daca simt ca este necesar. Nu sunt de principiul, in gradinarit, de orice fel ar fi el (in curte sau in casa), ca trebuie sa te lovesti cu capul de sus, ca sa vezi pragul de jos. Pentru ca asta te poate costa un an intreg si e pacat.
Apoi, un alt lucru interesant, daca vreti sa primiti newsletter, va rog sa va abonati in sectiunea dedicata, sa lasati numele (sa stiu si eu cine e interesat de ce povestesc eu aici!), precum si adresa de mail. As vrea ca acest site, inceput timid si avand initial o alta destinatie, sa creasca, sa se faca mare si sa ofere multe informatii interesante pentru un gradinar amator.
If you were foreigner and you find out my site through a wild search or a gardening site, please check out the section with the translation option, in various languages, starting with indonesian and ending with english. Still, if you want an accurate translation (available only in english), please leave a comment (in english) in any post and tell me which article, flower, tree or plant are you interested in.
Evident, daca doriti sa fiti la curent cu ce scriu in acest blog, va rog sa apasati "urmariti" si veti fi prezenti pe pagina mea. Mai ales ca astfel veti afla instant cand am scris ceva nou si ne puteti vizita cand aveti timp.
Si, nu in ultimul rand, sunt o floare gura-leului. Cica primul meu cuvant este prieten. Mi-am mai facut o data testul, acum ceva timp, si eram floarea-soarelui. Ori am uitat raspunsurile pe care le-am dat, ori ei dau flori in mod aleatoriu. :D Oricum, gura-leului este o floare frumoasa, relativ salbatica si imi place.
Frumusetea bulbilor...
The beauty of the bulbs consists in the fact that you can have flowers year by year, without beeing necessary to plant each spring, to work hard or to wait a sunny day to be in the garden.
Mai mult decat atat, florile cu bulbi pot sa va bucure apartamentul sau balconul cu putin efort depus din partea voastra.
More of that, bulbs flowers can be a joy also for an apartment or a balcony, with a little effort by your side.
Nu am facut poze, pentru ca am realizat ca nu am ce sa va arat, decat poate niste pamant proaspat sapat si udat. Ideea era nu sa va arat zambile, irisi sau lalele, ca toata lumea stie cum arata, ci sa va arat stadiile acestora.
I don't have any pictures right now, because I realised that I have nothing to show you, except only some fresh ground, digged and wet. The whole idea is not to show you hyacinth, irises or tulips, because everyone knows hot they look like, but to show you the phases of growth.
In prima faza, ce am facut eu astazi, a fost sa sap o groapa pentru fiecare bulb sau pentru fiecare palc de bulbi, daca ati cumparat 2-3 bulbi lipiti, groapa nu foarte adanca, dar lata cam de doua ori, pus bulbul, apoi ingropat. Sa nu va fie frica sa ii ingropati de tot, adica sa turnati inapoi pamantul "excavat", pentru ca ei vor da linistiti frunze, si apoi flori, pentru ca ati afanat pamantul si nu vor fi probleme. Evident, sa nu uitati ca dupa plantare ei au nevoie de multa apa, nu numai in pamantul proaspat sapat, ci si pe langa. Nu va ganditi ca daca ati plantat bulbii pe o suprafata de 20-30 cm, voi doar acolo trebuie sa udati! Udatul va trebui reluat in fiecare zi fara ploaie, pe o perioada de cel putin o saptamana, pentru a fi siguri ca vor avea tot necesarul de apa pentru a creste. In casa trebuie pusi intr-un loc fara soare direct, nu langa calorifer (macar pana dau frunzele) si udati, de asemenea, in fiecare zi.
First step, what I did today, is to dig a hole for each bulb or for every 2-3 twins bulbs, a not to deep hole, but wide as twice as your bulb, put the bulb and then burried. Don't be afraid to burry them completely, then to put back the ground "excavated", because the ground is loose and it's not a problem. The bulbs will make leaves and flowers, don't worry! Of course, don't forget that - after the planting - they need a lot of water, not only on the fresh ground, but also in the area. Don't think if you were planting the bulbs on a 20-30 cm area, you have to water only there! You have to water them in every day without rain, at least one week, to be sure that they will have all the water needed. In apartment they need a place without direct sunlight, far away from the heater (at least until you see some leaves) and you have to water them also every day.
Intotdeauna, si asta e valabil pentru orice tip de floare, sa respectati specificatiile de pe cutii, ghivece sau plicuri. Adica, la ce ma refer cand spun asta: daca acolo scrie ca planta se face mare si ca cei trei bulbi din plic se pun la distanta de 50 cm intre ei, atunci asa trebuie sa faceti. NU va ganditi ca stiti voi ca gladiola nu se face mare pe latime, ci este inalta, si n-are nevoie de 50 cm intre plante, pentru ca specificatiile nu se refera numai la planta de deasupra pamantului, ci si la radacinile pe care si le dezvolta ca sa o sustina.
Always, and this it goes for every type of flower, follow the specifications on the boxes, pots or envelopes. What do I mean by that: if you read that the plant grows tall and the 3 bulbs from the envelope have to have 50 cm between them, then you should do that! DON'T think that you know that gladiola is more tall than wide, and doesn't need 50 cm between plants, because the specifications are not reffering only to the plant above ground, but also to the roots that developes to sustain it.
Vorbind de gladiole, nu recomand sa le puneti in jardiniere sau ghivece mici. De fapt, eu nu as recomanda gladiola pentru apartament sau balcon, ci numai pentru gradina.
Talking about gladiolas, I don't recommend you to keep them in pots. In fact, I would not recommend gladiola for apartment or balcony, only for the garden.
Irisii... irisii au inflorescente superbe. Sunt diverse varietati, cele mai populare flori fiind cele mov-albastrui, inalte. Si pe acestea le recomand pentru gradina, pentru ca se tin aproape de gladiole ca si inaltime. Dar mai sunt alte varietati micute, frumoase, cu mov si galben, o specie numita Crocus, care nu creste mult in inaltime, dar care face multe flori. Acestea merg plantate in jardiniere lungi, chiar si de 1 m, sau in ghivece nu foarte inalte, patrate sau dreptunghiulare, de preferat.
Irises... irises have gorgeus inflorescences. Wide varietes, most popular beeing the purple-blue type, tall. I recommend them also for the garden, because are tall as much as gladiolas. We can find also a small variety, Crocus is its name, beautiful flowers, purple and yellow, o species with many flowers. These plants are good for ornamental flowers pot, 1 m long, not to tall, square or rectangle.
Toate femeile primesc in fiecare primavara zambile. Sunt superbe, miros extrem de frumos si sunt galbene, albe, mov sau roz. Adica sunt perfecte pentru jardinierele viu si pestrit colorate, alegand combinatii de culori placute ochiului. Nu au nevoie de ghivece sau jardiniere adanci, economisind astfel spatiul deosebit de pretios de pe un balcon sau de pe un pervaz de fereastra.
Every woman receives hyacinth in spring time. Nice flowers, with an incredibile smell, yellow, white, purple or pink. That means are perfect for ornamental flowers pot, very colorful, choosing combinations for your own taste. They don't need deep pots, saving this way the precious space on a balcony or on a window frame.
Daca alegeti sa plantati aceste tipuri de flori in gradina, va sfatuiesc sa le inconjurati cu "casetute" de lemn, un gardulet subtire si verde de sarma (ca sa nu vedeti gardul inaintea florilor!) sau cu bete inalte de care legati niste sfori. Chiar daca nu aveti caini! Dar cu atat mai mult daca aveti vreun "catelus" de ciobanesc carpatin si un nebun de caniche, cum avem noi. Plantele sunt fragile, chiar cand sunt mari, si e pacat sa le pierdeti. Nu le pierdeti de tot, dupa cum spuneam la inceputul articolului, ele au bulbi si vor da si anul viitor, dar pierdeti inflorescentele pentru primavara in curs.
If you choose to plant these flowers in the garden, I will advise you to surround them with wooden cases, a thin green wire fence (not to see the fence before the flowers!) or with sticks chained by ropes. Even if you don't have dogs! Especially if you have a "poppy" carpathian shepherd's or a wild caniche as we have. The plants are fragile, even if they are big and it's a shame to lose them. You don't lose them forever, as I said at the beginning of the post, they have bulbs, but you lose the inflorescences for the current spring.
Daca aveti noroc, zambilele vor da de 2 ori intr-o primavara, dar nu va puneti sperante prea mari in asta. Mai bine va concentrati pe irisi, care pot da de mai multe ori in decursul unui an, daca alegeti un soi puternic, sau pe gladiole.
If you're lucky, the hyacinth will make flowers twice in a spring time, but don't put many hopes in that. Better concentrate on irises or gladiolas.
Cand voi avea ce sa va arat, voi publica fotografii, ca sa vedeti nu fotografii artistice luate de pe net, ci, concret, cum arata plantele cu bulbi descrise mai sus, surprinse in diverse stadii de crestere.
When I will have something to show you, I will put some photos, to see how the plants and the bulbs are looking in my garden, in different phases of growth, not some pictures stolen from the internet.
Evident, daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii, nelamuriri sau sfaturi, va astept cu mare drag sa imi impartasiti din experienta voastra sau sa aflati mai multe de la mine!
Of course, if you have questions or suggestions, doubts or advices, I am opened and waiting for your experiences! Or ask more from me!