Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!
Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!
luni, 29 iunie 2009
Half of my garden at the beginning of July - Jumatate din gradina mea, la inceput de iulie
Lavender and daylily - levantica si crin salbatic (de zi)
Narcissus - narcisa
Daylily - crin salbatic (de zi)
Thuja wall - peretele de Thuja
Fresh cut red rose - trandafir proaspat taiat
Lavender - levantica
White-yellow Dahlia - Dalia alb-galbuie
Canna flower (second one) - floare de Canna (a doua)
Canna flower (second one) - floare de Canna (a doua)
miercuri, 24 iunie 2009
I didn't know this flowers' name, but I find out. It's called Canna.
Pot sa va spun ca am doua varietati, una cu frunze verzi si alta cu frunze mov inchis. Sunt foarte inalte, depasesc 1 metru, ale mele au chiar aproape de 1,5 m. Frunzele seamana cu frunzele bananului, mari, late, cu striatii. Au o substanta cerata pe ele, astfel apa si daunatorii nu se "lipesc" de ele.
I can tell you that I have 2 species, one with green leaves and the other with dark purple leaves. They are very tall, over 1 m., mine have almost 1,5 m. The leaves resembles banana leaves, large, wide, with striations. They have a waxy substance on them, so the water and bugs don't "stick" on them.
Nu stiam ca sunt denumite si reginele florilor alaturi de orhidee. Adevarul este ca atunci cand mi le-a adus Cris de la mama ei am ramas cu gura cascata. Iar cand au inflorit, nu ma mai bucuram de ele! Florile sunt superbe, portocalii, iar astazi am vazut in fata TVR un palc cu flori galbene si unul cu flori rosii. Incredibil de frumoase! Le-as fi pozat, dar eram in masina, la stop. :)
I didn't know that they are called flower's queen, like the orchids. The truth is that when Cris came with them from her mother garden, I was gapingly! And when they bloomed, I was very, very happy! I could stare for hours in front of the pots! The flowers are splendid, stunning, orange, and today I saw yellow and red flowers, on the street, in a intersection. Gorgeous look! I wish I had my camera, but I was in the car, at red light. :)
De obicei se planteaza in pamant, in gradina, dar tatal meu le-a pierdut pe ale lui. Pentru ca nu le-a scos din pamant pe timpul iernii. Eu am cumparat 2 ghivece mari, special pentru ele si nu le-am mutat in gradina. Bine am facut, se pare, pentru ca s-au dezvoltat foarte bine. Iarna trecuta le-am adus in casa si au dat din nou frunze, dupa ce le taiasem pe cele vechi si uscate de la pamant. Infloresc incepand cu iunie (ati vazut-o pe a mea) pana in septembrie-octombrie. O Canna face multe flori, in general zeci de flori... Eu am avut anul trecut, pui fiind, aproximativ 30.
Usually, they live great in the garden, but my father lost his because he left them outside in the winter time. I bought 2 large pots, especially for them, and I didn't move them in the garden. Good for me, because in the house they developed like in the summer. New leaves, after I cut the seared ones. They are blooming starting June (you saw mine) until September - October. A single Canna can have dozens of flowers... I had last year, young plant, around 30 flowers.
Este primul an cand vad Canna in aranjamente florale stradale, iar in afara de mine si mama Cristinei nu mai stiu pe altcineva sa o aiba in curte sau in casa. De aceea am ramas foarte uimita cand am citit ca a fost recunoscuta de o prietena din SUA, dar tatal meu stia ca este originara din zonele sub-tropicale si tropicale din America.
It's the first year when I saw Cannas in floral arrangements on the street and beside me and Cris' mother I don't know anybody else to have Canna in the garden or in the house. That's why I was surprised when the flower was recognised by a dear friend from USA, but my father knew that Canna is native sub-tropical and tropical areas from America.
Daca gasiti sa cumparati seminte sau primiti in dar pentru curatea voastra, va sfatuiesc sa va bucurati ca un copil mic, pentru ca aveti de ce!
If you find Canna seeds, buy them, or if you receive a Canna as a gift, I will advise you to be happy as a baby!
Anul trecut, in aprilie
Last year, in April
Anul trecut, in mai
Last year, in May
Anul acesta, in iunie
This year, in June
sâmbătă, 20 iunie 2009
Come to Romania!
But you, my faithful readers, know that I am fair, cynically fair. So abrupt at times, that if you wanted to know an answer from the depth of my inner thoughts and you risk asking the question, you can very well expects something that you might not like. Diplomacy is a word that I am not familiar with.
After this short introduction, it`s time to take you to the place I wanted to from the beginning. I will never advertise a product unless I believe in it, I tested it, and I feel it is an interesting/original idea.
The story that follows is not advertising even though I will write about an original project for Romania, it`s Valentine’s project, Velvet Tours. It`s not advertising … He`s one of ours! :)
If you take a look at his web site, carefully orchestrated to the last dot, you`ll see that it`s something different. In what way, you may ask?
Well… let`s start with the photos, cause he`s pretty good at taking beautiful shots, interesting details and capturing extraordinary landscapes in a photo.
But that`s not what you`d want to see on the web site of a travel company, right?
Then we`ll comment on, let`s say… Red Bucharest - How cool is that?? It`s not for us Romanians, we know what communism is all about, but still it`s a tour like no other.
And now for something absolutely original!! Jewish Heritage Tour - I’m honestly thinking of taking a tour like this myself this year, even though we’re orthodox, and that`s because, first of all, I had no idea that there are so many historical buildings in this country, and secondly, because a synagogue is always worth seeing, the same for a museum or a temple.
Another original idea -2 in 1 tour. One trip, Two countries, Romania and Bulgaria.
Being neighbors, we tend to think bad things about the other countries like Hungary, Bulgaria or The Republic of Moldavia. But, whoever visited these countries got a wonderful experience out of it and left delighted by the people and the places they saw. Lately Romanians realized that there are beautiful things to see in Bulgaria, and Valentin told us that there is good eating and there are a lot of interesting places to visit, if you do not want to go too far away from Bucharest.
The other superb idea… Photography Tour,, I like this on the most. You know why? Because that`s what my Dani does! He he he! Speaking of my proverbial cynics, I would go on this tour today without thinking twice!!! Today?? Why?? Well Dani, when on vacation, absolutely refuses to touch the camera unless I beg him or he wants to take photos of me and Mariuca. All the landscapes, all the little details are my responsibility; you could almost say that I am a professional landscape photographer.
All in all, if you want a 100% tailor made tour, if you want to see spectacular and beautiful places, eat great meals (this is a bonus, I told you once how good is Valentin at cooking and appreciating a good meal), you can contact Velvet Tours at office[at], or me, I`m not on commission, I promise!
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009
Parma violets - Violetele de Parma
Ceska mi-a spus pe messenger ca mama ei e nemultumita ca nu au mai inflorit Violetele de Parma. Asa ca m-am decis sa scriu un post despre aceste flori.
Ceska told me on messenger that her mother is unhappy with her Parma Violets. They didn't make any flowers for sometime now. So I decided to write a post about these flowers.
Am doua fotografii din martie, cu Violeta mov inflorita. Mai am una rozalie, dar nu am fotografii cu ea. Dupa o perioada de vreo 2 luni, 2 luni si jumatate, timp in care am avut doar frunze, cea mov are din nou 3 floricele micute.
I have 2 pictures form March, with my mauve Violet. I had another one, light pink, but I don't have pictures with it. After 2 months, 2 months and a half, after having only leaves, the mauve has flowers again.
Nu multi gradinari aleg sa creasca Violete de Parma, pentru ca sunt plante sensibile si pretentioase. Le place lumina, dar nu soarele, le place un singur loc in casa (urasc sa fie mutate in alta parte), temperatura trebuie sa nu fie mai mica de 15-17 grade si de maxim 24-25 grade.
There are not so many gardeners who chose to care for Parma Violets, because they are so sensible and precious. They like the light, but not the sun, they like an unique place in the home (they hate to be moved somewhere else), the temperature must be between 15-17 and 24-25 Celsius degrees.
Apa calcaroasa le usuca, de preferat este sa le udati cu apa fiarta si racita, apa plata sau apa de ploaie. Sa nu fie rece, ci la temperatura camerei. Sa nu udati frunzele si florile, ci numai sub ele.
Limestone water is drying the plants, so you should use boiled&cold water, plain water or rain water, temperature room. Don't water the leaves or the flowers, only below them.
Puteti adauga o lingurita de zahar in apa cu care le udati.
Daca cateva frunze s-au uscat, puteti pune direct pe pamant cateva frunze de menta sau puteti aduce aproape un ghiveci cu menta.
You can add a tea spoon of sugar in the water.
If some leaves are seared, you can put on the ground mint leaves or you can bring closer a pot of mint.
Nu suporta ingrasamant, acesta le arde si florile sunt mult mai mici sau nu mai infloresc deloc.
They don't like fertilizer, because it burns them and the flowers are smaller or at all.
Daca vreti sa aveti o inflorire constanta si flori superbe, trebuie sa va asigurati ca mijlocul plantei are suficient aer, ca bobocii sa se poata dezvolta. Daca planta voastra are multe frunze, va recomand sa le rupeti, pentru a asigura oxigenul atat de necesar producerii de noi flori.
If you want to have a constant blossoming and gorgeous flowers, you have to be sure that the middle of the plant has enough air, for the buds to develop. If your plant has many leaves, I advise you to cut some of them, to ensure so much needed oxygen to reach the flowers.
Le gasiti intr-o varietate de culori, mov, roz, albe, chiar si rosii, cu margini albe sau galbui, pestrite.
You can find Parma Violets in so many colours, mauve, pink, white, even red, with white or light yellow edges, mottled.
Sper ca v-am spus cateva lucruri pe care nu le stiati despre Violete. Ceska, ii doresc mamei tale numai flori de la Violete de acum incolo!
I am hoping that I told new things about Parma Violets. Ceska, I wish your mother's plants to have beautiful flowers starting from now!
luni, 15 iunie 2009
Geraniums - Muscate
I said I will talk about Geraniums, but a lot of things happened and I forgot! :) Yesterday I rend the weeds behind the house. There I have tomatoes, dill, parsley, celery, corn, 2 roses, 2 rasberries (one has already fruits), one lilac and one Mother of God palm. I tied up the tomatoes, I need four more sticks and I am waiting for the first pickled tomatoes to come.
Dar sa revenim la oile noastre... :)
But to return to our business... :)
Sunt originare din Africa de Sud, Capul Bunei Sperante. Familia Pelargonium, din care fac parte si muscatele, cuprinde in jur de 300 specii de plante. In Europa a ajuns datorita olandezilor, in secolul XVIII.
They are native South Africa, Cape of Good Hope. Pelargonium family, Geraniums' family, has around 300 plants species. The dutches came with Geraniums in Europe in 18th century.
Am mai multe culori de muscate, una mai frumoasa decat alta! Pana cand ne-am mutat la casa, nu mi-au placut. As putea spune aproape deloc. Cu toate ca tatal meu are o gramada, de ani de zile. In schimb, de 3 ani si jumatate am invatat sa le iubesc, pentru ca fac flori tot timpul anului, sunt diferite ca si coloristica, se ingrijesc usor si nu am avut niciodata probleme cu ele.
I had different kind of Geraniums colours, one prettier than another! Until we moved out to the house, I never liked them. Altough my father has a bunch of Geraniums since many years. Starting 3 years and a half ago, I learned to love them, because they have flowers all year long, different colours, they are easy to care and I never had problems.
Lor le place lumina, chiar si soarele direct, asa ca le puteti pune la ferestre sau pe terasa. Se simt excelent in jardiniere si adora apa.
They like the light , even direct sunlight, so you can put them by the windows or on the terrace. They love the jardiniere and the water.
Dupa ce florile se usuca, trebuie sa le taiati, iar frunzele uscate rupte. Astfel, va asigurati ca veti avea flori frumoase tot timpul anului.
After the flowers are seared, you have to cut them, and also the seared leaves. This way you are certain of having beautiful flowers all four seasons.
Si acum, conform zicalei "o fotografie face cat o mie de cuvinte", "astern" pe hartie 8.000 de cuvinte. Sa le "cititi" cu placere!
And now, according with the saying "a picture worth o thousand words", I am "writing" 8.000 words. "Read" them and enjoy them!
sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009
My camera is back! - Am din nou camera foto!
Yes, I took my photo camera from service! It's brand new and shiny! I've got some photos to show you! Tonight I will write a post about Geraniums, interesting I am hoping.
O lopata de capsuni! Deja am scos aproximativ 3 kg. de capsuni din gradina. Mariuca a mancat capsuni, i-am facut shake, suc si salata de fructe.
O shovel full of strawberries! I already had about 3 kg. of strawberries from my garden. Mariuca eats strawberries, I made her shake, juice and fruit salad.
Tot eram eu trista ca s-a uscat cimbrul adus din Grecia. Am primit 5 plantute de cimbru, pe care le-am plantat fericita intr-o jardiniera. Acum astept sa creasca, dar le merge foarte bine.
I was sad that my savory from Greece died. I received 5 plants of savory and I was happy to plant them in a jardiniere. Now I am waiting to grow, but they are doing just fine.
Un tip de crin, nu stiu cum se cheama, cu frunze late, mari, verzi, deja a inflorit. Mai am unul la fel, numai ca frunzele sunt mov inchis. In spate, se vede trandafirul rosu, din pacate nu l-am prins in perioada de maxima inflorire, cand era plin de trandafiri si boboci.
Another type of lily, I don't know its name, large leaves, big, green, already with flowers. I had another one just the same, but the leaves are dark mauve. In the back you can see the red rose. Unfortunately I didn't had the camera when it was in the maximum blossoming, when it was full of flowers and buds.
Floarea crinului, rosie ca focul
Lily's flower, bright red
Trandafirul rosu, legat. Am pus 4 stalpi de gradina si am legat sarma speciala de ei, cate 3 randuri.
The red rose, bound together. I put 4 garden pillars and I tied some special wire, 3 rows.
The wild lily with flowers
Floarea crinului salbatic, superba!
The lily's flower, simply beautiful!
Aranjament in bucatarie cu flori din gradina
Kitchen set-up with garden flowers
Diseara, dupa ora 9, ora Romaniei, veti putea citi articolul despre muscate si veti putea vedea ce muscate frumoase am eu!
Tonight, after 9 pm, Romanian time, you can read my article about Geraniums and you can see what beautiful Geraniums I had!
La adresa am conceput un concurs. Va astept si pe voi sa raspundeti la intrebarea "care credeti ca este sursa de poluare care distruge cel mai mult fauna si flora pamantului?" si puteti castiga cartea "ABC-ul gradinaritului. Peste 600 de sfaturi si sugestii pentru gradinarii amatori" de Etienne Blouin, editata la Polirom. Pe data de 18 iunie, adica peste 6 zile, voi desemna un castigator.
Here,, you can find a contest. I am expecting your answers to the question "what do you think is the most polluting source for the flora and fauna of the Earth?" and you can win the book "Gardening ABC. Over 600 advices and suggestions for amateur gardeners" by Etienne Blouin, Polirom publishing house. On June 18th, 6 days from now, I will choose a winner.
joi, 11 iunie 2009
Lemon tree - Lamaiul
Simona received a lemon tree as a gift for her birthday. Hey, once in a lifetime has a person 30 years, correct? And she asked me on messenger to talk about the lemon tree. I agreed.
"I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
And I wonder, wonder"
Denumirea stiintifica a lamaiului este Citrus limon, care deriva de la cuvantul grecesc "kedromelon" - mar de cedru. Romanii au prescurtat denumirea la "citrus", care s-a pastrat la majoritatea popoarelor, cu mici modificari: citron - in franceza si ceha, citrom - in ungara, citros - in letona, Zitrone - germana.
Scientific name of the lemon tree is Citrus limon, came from greek word "kedromelon" - cedar apple. The Romans shortened the name into "citrus", and most of the languages kept this name with certain changes: citron - French and Czech, citrom - Hungarian, citros - Latvian, Zitrone - German.
Lamaiul, dupa cum bine stie toata lumea, face parte din familia citricelor si este o planta originara - se presupune - din India. Varianta de apartament este relativ micuta fata de cei 6 metri pe care aceasta planta ii are in mod normal.
The lemon tree, as you all know, is a part of the citrus family and is native - it presumes - from India. Apartment species is tiny comparing with the 6 m. tall this plant usually have.
Acum sa va spun lucruri pe care nu le stiti:
- exista un gen de lamai originar din padurile subtropicale din Australia care poate atinge si 20 metri inaltime. Acest soi se numeste Backhousia citriodora si a fost denumit asa de catre botanistul englez James Backhouse. Australienii folosesc frunzele la mancaruri cum ar fi pastele, peste, prajituri sau inghetata.
- lamaiul are proprietati antiseptice
- in zona mediteraneana a ajuns in jurul anului 1000
- Columb a avut si cateva seminte de lamai cand a ajuns in America
- carnea marinata inainte de preparare in suc de lamaie are un gust mult mai rafinat, iar pestele isi pierde mirosul caracteristic
- ati auzit de Limoncello? Este o bautura alcoolica realizata din lamai, foarte bine cunoscuta in Italia.
- datorita ph-ului scazut, sucul de lamai este antibacterial
- lamaia verde (lime) este o varietate des intalnita in zilele noastre si este din ce in ce mai apreciata.
- un japonez a realizat prin altoire un lamai care produce 11 fructe diferite
- in acest articol am scris despre vitaminele pe care fructele le contin. Veti regasi si lamaia in lista.
- Eva a furat un lamai din Paradis si l-a plantat in Menton, azi oras pe Coasta de Azur. Acolo, an de an, se organizeaza "Festivalul lamailor". Peste 600.000 de turisti din toata lumea viziteaza acest oras intr-un an, datorita acestui eveniment.
- cea mai mare lamaie din lume a cantarit 5,265 kg.
Let me tell you some things you don't know:
- a lemon tree species native from subtropical forests in Australia can reach even 20 m. height. This species' name is Backhousia citriodora and the name was given by English botanist James Backhouse. The Australians are using the leaves in cooked meals such as pasta, fish, cake or icecream.
- the lemon has antiseptical properties
- in the Mediteranean zone arrived around year 1000.
- Columb had a few lemon seeds when he arrived in America.
- marinaded meat in lemon juice before cooking has a better taste, and the fish loses the characteristic smell.
- have you heard about Limoncello? It is an alcoholic beverage made by fresh lemons, well-known in Italy.
- because of the low ph, lemon juice is antibacterial.
- the lime is a common species these days and is highly appreciated.
- a Japonese man graft a lemon tree and right now it produce 11 different fruits.
- in this article I talked about fruits vitamins. You will find the lemon among it.
- Eve stolen a lemon tree from Paradise and planted in Menton, today city in Cote d'Azur, France. There, year after year, the "Lemons' Festival" is held. Over 600.000 turists are visiting the city in a year because of this event.
- the biggest lemon in the world was 5,265 kg weight.
Fiind o planta care iubeste caldura, soarele si lumina constanta, trebuie sa va ganditi de doua ori inainte de a adopta sau a cumpara un lamai. Daca l-ati obtinut din seminte, va dura multi ani pana cand va ajunge la maturitate, cam 5-6, ca atare nu veti avea fructe prea curand. Daca este deja marisor, va puteti astepta ca in doi, trei ani, sa aveti fructe de-o limonada.
Being a plant that loves the heat, the sun and constant light, you should think twice before adopting or buying a lemon tree. If you obtained your plant from seeds, it will take 5 to 6 years for the plant to reach maturity, so you will not have any fruits anytime soon. If it is a small plant, you can expect that in 2-3 years to have fruits for a lemonade.
Pamantul trebuie sa fie amestecat cu nisip, pentru a mentine umiditatea necesara. Dupa cum spuneam, pentru ca iubeste lumina si caldura, va sfatuiesc sa alegeti o fereastra spre sud sau sud-est. Daca il scoateti afara vara, sa aveti grija ca noaptea sa nu fie sub 15 grade, pentru ca lamaiului nu-i place frigul.
The soil must be mixed up with sand to provide the needed humidity. As I was said before, because the lemon tree loves the light and the heat, I will advise you to chose a south or south-east window. If you are taking it out in the summer time, be careful to have over 15 Celsius degrees outside at night, because the lemon tree hates the cold.
In Romania, lamaiul este crescut pentru ornament, este frumos si miroase extraordinar.
In Romania, the lemon tree is ornamental because is beautiful and smells divine.
vineri, 5 iunie 2009
A nice and beautiful storm - O furtuna frumoasa
A stormy night... beautiful! A night like day, shiny from the lightnings, with rain, a little bit of hail, for about 5 minutes, some strong wind (lucky me I tied up the pots from the terrace's rail like I nailed them there!), we were on the terrace, drinking beer, Mariuca was asleep, although there were some thunders from time to time. We had a blackout for 3 hours, but, as I said, it was beautiful. For us.
Pentru altii a fost groaznic! In Bucuresti au fost copaci rupti, cazuti pe masini, oameni speriati, culturi stricate, flori si arbusti pierduti.
For others it was awful! In Bucharest were broken trees, falled on cars, nervous people, damaged crops, flowers and shrubs lost.
Noi, ca de obicei, parca ne aflam in zona crepusculara. Daca in Bucuresti ploua, la noi e soare, daca in Bucuresti e furtuna, la noi e o ploaie normala, daca oamenii se sperie si se baricadeaza in case, noi suntem pe terasa, vorbim si radem.
We are, as usual, like in the twilight zone. If in Bucharest is raining, here is sunny, if in Bucharest is storm, here is a normal rain, if people are nervous and close in their homes, we are on the terrace, talking and laughing.
Veniti la noi acasa, the land of choice!
Come to our home, the land of choice!
(For my friends outside Romania - this is a joke. Right now we have a new country tourism hymn, "Romania, the land of choice")
miercuri, 3 iunie 2009
My photo camera is broken - Mi s-a stricat camera foto
I wanted to show you how I tied up the roses and how I organised the terrace, but, unfortunately, my photo camera is broken. With all this sand around us, coming from the works we are done in front of the house, I think the lens caught some sand and right now it says that the camera has a lens error. I am soooo upset you can't imagine!!! So, I will take a break from posts with pictures and I will try to talk in a general manner for a few days. But not today. I am hoping to have a few free hours to go to the Canon shop and hoping to solve the problem fast.