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vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Whom can you call a real gardener? Ce inseamna sa fii gradinar adevarat?

Voi ma stiti... si daca nu ma stiti, ma puteti cunoaste pe Creata la Patrat. Dupa cum am scris si in antet, sunt o tipa amuzanta, haioasa, cinica, libera, corecta si lista poate continua cu inca o multime de alte asemenea.

You know me... and if you don't, you can get to know me on Creata la Patrat. As I wrote there, I am a funny girl, happy, cynical, free, fair and honest, and the list can go on with a lot of these.

Am tot stat si m-am gandit daca sa scriu acest post sau nu... Nooo, nu va agitati, ca n-am gandit mult!

I sat and thought if I should write this post or not... Noooo, don't get excited, I didn't thought too much!

Ce inseamna sa fii gradinar adevarat? O persoana care are gradina de legume este mai "sus" decat una care are doar o gradina cu plante si flori? Daca ai pomi fructiferi in curte te poti considera un gradinar mai de soi? Daca ai gradina si altii au doar o mica "sera" in apartament, te crezi mai destept?

Whom can you call a "true and real gardener"? A person who has a vegetables garden is "higher" than a person who has only plants and flowers? If you have fruit trees in the yard you can call yourself a better gardener? If you have a large garden and others only have a little garden in the apartment, do you think you're smarter?

Hmmm... dileme... pentru unii! Pentru mine este foarte clar! Gradinaritul este o pasiune frumoasa si care iti aduce multe satisfactii. Daca ai plante si flori in apartament, pomi sau arbusti in curte, tot gradinar te numesti!! Ca sa fiu putin (sau mai mult, voi decideti) cinica, voi da trei explicatii din dex.

Hmmm... dilemas... for some people! For me it's clear! The gardening is a beautiful passion, which brings you many satisfactions. If you have plants and flowers in your apartment, trees or shrubs in the garden, you can call yourself a gardener! To be a little bit (or more, you decide), cynical, I will give three explanations from the dictionary.

Gradinar - persoana care se ocupa de cultivarea unei gradini
Gradina - suprafata de teren arabil, de obicei ingradita, pe care se cultiva legume, flori sau pomi fructiferi, in vederea obtinerii unor produse.
Cinic - care denota sfidare; sarcastic, sfidator, insolent, nerusinat.

Gardener - a person who cultivates a garden
Garden - an arable land, usually with fence around it, where you can grow vegetables, flowers or fruit trees, in order to obtain products.
Cynical - indicates contempt; sarcastic, insolent, shameless.

Aceasta dorinta de frumos, aceasta dovada de iubire de natura, aceasta pasiune, dupa cum spuneam mai sus, trebuie sa uneasca oamenii si sa ii innobileze. Dupa parerea mea, avem parte de competitii toata viata noastra. Daca ne referim strict la subiectul gradinarit, competitia nu isi are locul. Adica, da, te uiti, afli, intrebi, ai vrea, ai prioritati, te inspiri, muncesti, dar totul trebuie sa ramana in spiritul unei competitii pozitive, daca imi permiteti licenta. Asa vad eu lucrurile! Daca participi la competitii cu lalele galbene, nu poti sa nu admiri concurentul care a inventat o lalea in picatele portocalii cu dungi albastre!

Din pacate, intotdeauna vom gasi persoane pe care pasiunea declarata cu voce tare peste tot nu ii innobileaza!

This desire for beauty, this evidence for nature love, this passion, as I said earlier, should bring people close to each other and should ennoble them. In my opinion, we participate in competitions entire our lifes. If we are narrowing to the gardening, the competition is out of order. I mean, yes, you are looking, find out, asking, wishing, have priorities, inspiring, working, but everything should stay in the spirit of positive competition, if you are allowing me to use this license. That's how I see things! If you are participating in a competition with yellow tulips, you can't stop yourself to admire the contestant who invented the tulip with orange dots and blue stripes!

Unfortunately, we will always see people who declares their passion out loud, but this passion don't ennoble them!

Trebuie sa imi pun ceapa si morcovi in gradina ca sa ma ridic la nivelul celorlalti gradinari???? Sau sa trec la chestii "grele", gen broccoli, fasole roz si cartofi mov?????

Should I plant onion and carrots in the garden to rise up to other gardener's level? Or should I plant "hard" stuff, like broccoli, pink beans or purple potatoes?

Neaaaaah, raman la ce stiu mai bine, la ce imi place sa ingrijesc, la gradina mea, ca un adevarat GRADINAR ce ma aflu!

Neaaah, I stick to what I know best, to what I love to care, to my garden, like a real GARDENER!

PS: legenda pentru fotografii.

Le-am realizat din dormitorul lui Dragos, fratele meu.

Prima fotografie, palcul de conifere noi, plantate duminica trecuta.

A doua fotografie, aproape toata gradina noastra, de la casa parintilor mei pana la casa noastra, avand foisorul in mijloc, magazia in dreapta sus si, nu se vede, in dreapta jos, padocul Dochitei, ciobanescul nostru carpatin. In stanga, unde este nisip acum, a fost terenul meu pentru jocuri outdoor, anul acesta va fi transformat in loc de joaca pentru Mariuca si prietenii ei.

A treia fotografie, padocul Dochitei, ea la umbra, undeva in spatele custii.

PS: photos' legend
I made the shots from Dragos' bedroom, my brother.
First photo, coniferous part, planted last Sunday.
Second photo, almost the whole garden, from my parents house to our house, with the garden wooden tower in the middle, tools shed to the upper right and, you don't see, lower right, Dochita's paddock, our carpathian sheppard dog. To the left, where is the sand now it was my playground, but starting this year will be the playground for Mariuca and her friends.
Third photo, Dochita's paddock, she is on the shadow, somewhere behind the kennel.

Nu arata perfect, mai este mult de munca, trebuie sa replantam gazonul, sa facem curatenie in foisor, sa scoatem tot pavajul din fata casei si sa punem bordurile care sunt langa magazie, sa curatam fiecare copac si planta in parte, sa..., sa... lista ramane deschisa!

Doesn't look perfect, we have a lot of work ahead us, we have to replant the grass, to clean the garden wooden tower, to remove the pavement in front of the house and to put the curbs (right now they are near the shed), to clean every tree and plant, to..., to... the list remains open!

In incheiere, o sa va bucur ochii cu o fotografie a unei flori superbe, un alt tip de magnolia, pe care o au parintii mei in gradina.

Closing, I will make you happy with a gorgeous flower, another magnolia type which my parents have in the garden.

5 comentarii:

Heather spunea...

I happen to agree with your assessment of a true gardener. i think a real gardener is someone who loves making things pretty to their own eye. Vegetables or flowers, what ever brings you satisfaction. You yard looks fantastic.

Unknown spunea...

Heather, in many ocasions we thought alike. :)

Thanks for the compliment, we are working to look even more fantastic! :))

David Octavian spunea...

Foarte frumos.Intr-o buna zi sper sa arate asa si curtea mea.Pana atunci muncim cu drag si spor.
Eu,una,cred ca gradinari sunt toti cei care iubesc gradinile,ca au sau nu una.Unii sunt chiar pasionati ,dar nu au posibilitati sa se mute la curte.Asa ce sa discriminam?
Toti cei care iubesc florile,plantele in general,de oricare ar fi ele, merita respect spun eu.Ca sunt gradinari sau nu,asta nu prea conteaza,pentru ca de fapt,la noi ,denumirea de gradinar este atribuita celor care fac din asta o meserie si nu o pasiune,din pacate.
Putini sunt cei care au impletit pasiunea cu meseria.Sau care si-au permis sa o faca.
Deci...e loc pentru toti.

Victoria Williams spunea...

Nice post. I like your garden!
I remember when I was first attracted to gardening was when I realized how artistic it could be. Now, I'm no artist, but I love to garden.

Unknown spunea...

Thank you, Victoria! It's important to be in love with what you do! Love for beauty, for nature, for plants... :)