Ceva mai tarziu voi uploada si fotografii cu noile noastre plante (la postul anterior), dar acum vreau sa urez tuturor ortodoxilor "Paste Fericit!".
Later today I will upload some pictures with our new plants to the previous post, but right now I want to wish to all orthodox people a "Happy Easter!".
Prieteni, dragi prieteni, avem 2 date religioase importante, Craciunul si Pastele. In aceste zile, ne aducem aproape familia si prietenii si suntem fericiti ca sunt alaturi de noi in aceste momente magice.
My friends, dear, dear friends, we have two important religious dates, Christmas and Easter. In these times, we are bringing closer the family and friends, we are happy that we have them around us when we are celebrating these magical moments together.
Sper ca fiecare dintre voi va aprecia fiecare minut deosebit si se va gandi la sacrificiul lui Hristos, sacrificiu facut ca noi sa fim astazi aici.
I am hoping that you will appreciate every quality moment and you will think that Jesus made its sacrifice for us, to be here today!
Noi vom pleca intr-o mini-vacanta, asa ca ne vom revedea saptamana viitoare!
Fotografia o puteti considera o felicitare oferita voua, cititorilor mei, cu mult drag!
We will go in a mini-vacation, so we'll meet again next week!
You can consider this photo an Easter card especially for you, my dearest readers!
5 comentarii:
Happy Easter to you too!
Si tie la fel. Multumim pentru urari. Sa aveti o minivacanta linistita.
@ Victoria - thank you!
@ Papusha - Multumim mult, de-abia asteptam sa ne relaxam! Ceea ce va dorim si voua! :)
Iti dorim si noi,(din nou), un Paste fericit si linistit.
Multumim, Victoria, va pupam!
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