Saturday, a part of our garden changed completely! Dani bought 7 Thuja, 2 pines (resembles with Jenupar), small, and received 2 free curly willows. He worked all day to plant them, bought also 4 big stones, and you can see the result below:
Alt unghi
Another angle
Nu sunt superbi?
Arent't they gorgeous?
Salcia creata
Curly willow
Pinii si pietrele
The pines and the stones
Tot aranjamentul
The whole mini-garden
Iar acum... pun niste poze cu dezvoltarea plantelor si florilor. Inceput de aprilie, la noi in gradina:
And now, some pictures with the development of plants and flowers. At the beginning of the April, our garden:
Crin salbatic
Wild lily
Cherry tree
Quince tree
Apricot tree
5 comentarii:
everything looks beautiful !!
love the pink magnolia ..
have a beautiful day
hugs, Cherry
Wow, you have been busy! They all look so nice. I really want to start planting more trees to replace the really old willows on our place. I have one thuja but it doesn't seem to do very well. I will baby it more.
@ Cherry, thank you! All the garden's lovers know how hard is to create and maintain a beautiful garden! In a next post, I will show all of you my new "green" terrace.
@ Heather, busy like a bee in spring time!!! Hahaha! I would love to have tall trees, unfortunately, our garden is relatively young, only 3 years old. So, I will have some shadow from the trees in 2020! Thuja, as pines and other coniferous, grows slowly. But I love them in particular because are green all year long.
vai cat de frumoasa e magnolia.... Am vazut cateva specimene de magnolii superbe, copaci deja, mari si plini de flori, cand veneam de la Herculane spre Tg. Jiu si ma gandeam la tine.... :)
O sa pun si fotografii cu toate florile deschise, este superba!!!
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