My contest has a winner!!!!! I found out the name of the plant with such an interesting flower: Spatiphilium!!!!
Iar fericita castigatoare este Beinaz. Ea m-a apelat pe messenger si m-a dojenit ca nu stiu numele florii. :)
And the happy winner is Beinaz. She sent me a message on messenger and scold me about not knowing the name of the flower.
Beinaz, asta ai castigat tu, o diploma din partea mea, precum si o floare Spatiphilium, pe care ai recunoscut-o cu o asemenea usurinta. Cu prima ocazie cand ajung la tine, iti voi inmana si premiul.
Beinaz, here is your prize, a diploma from me, as well as a Spatiphilium flower, which you recognize it so easily. Next time I will come to your home, I will give you the prize!
7 comentarii:
Give aways are fun! I think I will have one when my blog hits 5000. I may have to think on what to give away!
I am having a give-away right now...I think you already left me a comment about it, right?! I have a spatiphilium in a pot indoors. I bought it during the winter at Home Depot...I don't usually have indoor flowers but got so bored and in need of greenery that I broke down and bought a bunch of plants! One of them was this interesting plant that I, too, had never seen before...and I have to admit, until I just read your post, I had no idea what its name was!!! So thank you Silvia (and to your friend Beinaz) for naming the plant! Happy Spring to you:-)
Prizes are fun and giveaways are very nice!
Jan, I am very glad that my friend Beinaz helped us both with the name of the flower!
Soon... another contest will take place on my blog! And I will think about the prizes and the giveaways, to be able to send them also in US., o recomandare!
cred ca daca reuseam sa am timp, iti ziceam denumirea populara de "crinul pacii" si poate o gaseam si p'aia stiintifica... Frumoasa floare...
o sa incerc sa stau la panda ca... nu se stie... :) poate ma fac de o diploma
Gingasia, multumesc, stiam de site-ul Elisei. I-am trimis chiar si o invitatie. Sa se inscrie in Blog Directorul de Gradinarit. Din pacate, nu a onorat-o.
Cris, sorry ca n-ai castigat, poate data viitoare! Mai am plante al caror nume nu-l stiu. :)) Iar daca fac un alt concurs "ghiciti numele florii", vei castiga si floarea respectiva, pe langa diploma. :)
hehe,si eu stiam cum se numeste.
Sa mai faci concursuri ca vreau si eu o diploma. :)
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