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vineri, 3 aprilie 2009

Euphorbia Tirucalli

Sheila a vorbit despre un tip de Euphorbia. Si am realizat ca si eu am o floare numita Euphorbia Tirucalli. De care oricum vroiam sa va vorbesc intr-un post. Aceasta planta am regasit-o si in Gradina Botanica din Cluj, cu ocazia vizitei noastre de acum 3 ani.

Sheila talked about a species of Euphorbia. And I realized that I have an Euphorbia Tirucalli. I wanted anyway to talk about it in a post, so this is it. This plant I found it also in Cluj Botanical Garden, 3 years ago.

Aici aveti poza de acolo, destul de aglomerata, cu multe in jur.

Thsi is the picture from the Garden, pretty crowded.

Asa arata a mea Euphorbia Tirucalli, pe de-a intregul:

My whole Euphorbia Tirucalli:

O parte din varf, plin de noi frunzulite...

A part of the top, full of new small leaves...

Frunzulitele seamana cu mici petale si cad foarte repede.

The small leaves resembles with little petals and fall quickly.

Eu am primit-o cand era o mica plantuta, iar acum este mare si frumoasa. Ar fi fost si mai si, dar anul trecut am scos-o afara, in fata casei. M-am gandit ca ii va merge bine la soare. M-am inselat si i s-au uscat multe ramuri, pe care le-am taiat. Chiar daca erau aproape uscate, a curs un lichid alb, laptos din ele. De aceea, aceasta planta se mai numeste si Tufisul de Lapte. Dar numele i-a fost dat datorita aspectului, pentru ca acest lichid este, de fapt, un latex otravitor, care, cu putin efort, poate fi transformat in benzina. Nu lasati copiii si animalele de casa sa manance din el. Cu toate astea, in medicina traditionala, latex-ul produs de acest tip de Euphorbia este folosit in tratamentul impotentei sexuale si ca antidot al veninului de sarpe.

I received this plant when it was small, and now it's big and beautiful. It could have been taller, but last year I put it in front of the house. I thought the sun will be good for it. I was wrong and many branches seared. I cut them. Although they were almost seared, a white, milky liquid poured. That's why the plant is also called Milky Bush. But the name was given based only on the aspect, because this liquid is, in fact, a poison latex, which can be transformed, with some effort, in gasoline. Don't let children and pets to eat it. Although, in traditional medicine it is regarded as a cure for sexual impotence and an antidote for snakebite.

Se mai numeste si Copacul Creion, pentru ca, dupa cum ati vazut in fotografii, ramurile lui seamana cu niste creioane. Creste ca nebunul, poate lua si 50 cm in inaltime pe an, si poate ajunge pana la o inaltime de peste 10 metri. In Brazilia si Arhipelagul Galapagos este foarte iubit si intalnit, pentru ca prefera orice fel de sol. Cand nu se poate cultiva nimic altceva, pentru ca solul este extrem de arid, el se comporta ca un cactus si creste repede.

Another name for Euphorbia Tirucalli is Pencil Tree, because, as you seen in the pictures, its branches looks like pencils. It grows like mad, can grow with 50 cm height per year to a maximum 10 m height. In Brasil and Galapagos Islands is very loved and popular, because can grow in any type of soil. When nothing else can grow there, when the soil is to arid, Euphorbia Tirucalli is like a cactus and grows fast.

Euphorbia are aproximativ 2.000 specii in intreaga lume, vreo 200 in sudul Africii, iar din cele 200, vreo 14 specii sunt copaci. Euphorbia Tirucalli este originara din Africa, dar in prezent se gaseste si in Australia, India, Indonezia, China, pe intinderi mari.

Euphorbia has aproxx. 2.000 species all around the world, 200 in South Africa, from the 200 species, 14 species are trees. Euphorbia Tirucalli is native African, but today is spread also in Australia, India, Indonesia, China, large surfaces.

2 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

I love Euphorbias and it always amazes me when I see a new one which bears no resemblance to the rest of the family!

Unknown spunea...

Ryan, 2.000 species fo Euphorbias... hahaha!