Dupa ce apar primele frunze, cam la 2-3 saptamani apar si primele flori, ceea e bine, pentru ca atunci frunzele sunt deja mari, bogate si bine dezvoltate.
After 2-3 weeks from the first leaves appearance, you will se the first flowers, which is good, because then the leaves are big, rich and well developed.Am avut mai multe cerinte primite pe mail legate de capsunii cataratori, ca atare ma conformez si fac un post separat.
I had several e-mail requests regarding climbing strawberries, so this is a post dedicated to them.Dupa cum stiti si ati citit, eu am capsuni cataratori, plantati langa foisor, pe 3 laturi ale acestuia. Anul trecut am avut o productie foarte frumoasa, iar capsunile au fost mari si gustoase.
As you know and read, I have climbing strawberries, planted near the garden wooden tower, on 3 sides of it. Last year I had a beautiful production and the strawberries were big and tasty.Am cumparat 6 stoloni, daca imi aduc bine aminte, acum 2 ani. Evident, fiind cataratori, este absolut obligatoriu sa ii plantati langa gard sau foisor sau sa le oferiti spaliere pe care se pot urca. Cu toate ca, este spus impropriu ca ei "se urca", pentru ca nu se intampla ca la trandafirul catarator, de exemplu. Trebuie sa ii urcati voi, altfel se intind pe pamant, unde gasesc o zona propice!
I bought 6, if I remember well, 2 years ago. Of course, you have to plant them near the fence or near a garden wooden tower or you should put a treliss to climb on it. Although their name is climbing strawberries, there are not like the climbing roses, for example. You have to climb them yourself, otherwise they are spreading on the ground, in a fertile area!Chiar daca firmele care ii vand se lauda ca veti avea capsuni gigantice, sa nu va asteptati sa se intample acest lucru in primul an, poate chiar in primii 2! Dar nu va descurajati, pentru ca sunt dulci si zemoase, chiar daca sunt mai micute.
Even if the companies brag about the gigantic strawberries you'll have, don't expect this in the first year, maybe in the first 2 years! But don't let this to discourage you, because the fruits are sweet and juicy, even they are small.Se pare ca multe persoane care au achizitionat soiul Mount Everest, si nu numai, s-au plans, inclusiv la Protectia Consumatorului, ca reclama a fost inselatoare si ca nu au obtinut ce li s-a promis. Pe mine ma intriga chestia asta, pentru ca, ca la orice soi fructifer, dureaza macar un an pana cand sa ajungi la productia "adevarata". Un mar nu iti face decat in al doilea an cateva mere, si alea acre, vita-de-vie nu are fructe in primii ani, iar gutuiul face flori, dar fructe nu prea in primii 2 ani. Nu stiu cine se asteapta sa aiba capsuni de 50 cm in primul an si capsuni care ajung la o inaltime de 15 metri!
It seems that a lot of people who bought Mount Everest type or others, complained that the commercial was deceptive and they didn't get what they were promissed. This intrigues me because, like any other fruit type, it takes at least an year to reach the "real" production. An apple tree will give in the second year few apples, sour, the grape doesn't have fruits in the first years, and the quince has only flowers in the first 2 years. I don't know who expects to have 50 cm strawberries fruits in the first year or strawberries with a 15 m height!Eu stiu doar ca ai mei, anul trecut, in a doua vara, au ajuns cam pana la 1,5 metri, dar pe mai multe straturi, sa zic asa, iar ce capsuni au facut puteti vedea
I know that mine, last year, in the second summer, reached 1.5 m, multi-leveled sorth of speak, and you can see what strawberries had here.Nu stiu daca stiti acest lucru, dar ceea ce noi numim "capsuni de gradina" sunt in realitate fragi cu fruct mai mare. Fac parte, dupa cum spuneam, din specia Fragaria, familia Rosaceae. Acestea sunt pe locul 2 in ceea ce priveste cantitatea de vitamina C continuta, coacazele negre fiind inaintea lor.
I don't know if you know this, but what we call "garden strawberries" are in fact Fragaria species, Rosaceae family. They contain a large amount of C vitamin, 2nd place after blueberry.Pe langa intrebuintarile alimentare, capsunile se folosesc la albirea dintilor sau in gelurile exfoliante.
Along with food applications, the strawberries are used to teeth whitening or exfoliant gel.Din pacate, pot cauza si alergii, de aceea nu sunt indicate copiilor sub 1 an sau persoanelor cu fond alergenic cunoscut. Datorita acestui lucru, in Argentina au fost considerate pana pe la mijlocul secolului 19 ca fiind otravitoare.
Unfortunately, they can cause alergies, so it's better for under 1 year children and alergenic people to avoid them. That's why, until mid 19th century, in Argentina, the strawberries were considered poisoning.Va pot spune ca eu consider ca orice gradina trebuie sa aiba si capsuni, cataratori sau nu, mai ales ca sunt extrem de usor de ingrijit, cresc rapid si va ofera satisfactii "fizice", palpabile. :)
I can tell you that I think every gardener should have strawberries, climbing or not, because are very easy to care, fast growing and giving "physical" satisfations too, beside beauty. :)