De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita. [at]

Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!

Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!

duminică, 26 aprilie 2009

My garden at the beginning of May- Gradina mea, la inceput de mai

Prunul, care a fost si tuns deja, pentru ca era timpul. Sper ca anul asta sa mancam ceva prune mai dulci decat cele de anul trecut.

The plum tree, already mowed, 'cause it was time. I am hoping this year we'll eat some plums, sweeter that the ones from last year.

Poienita de conifere, imbogatita cu noi exemplare.

Coniferous meadow, enriched with some new plants.

Pinul cel nou

The new pine

Capsunii cataratori

Climbing strawberries

Trandafirul alb

The white rose

Trandafirul rosu

The red rose

Crinul alb de la Victoria

The white lily from Victoria

Narcisa si irisii, tot de la Victoria

Narcissus and irises, also from Victoria

Cele doua Thuja noi

The new Thuja

Crinul salbatic

The wild lily

In postul urmator voi vorbi despre vita-de-vie. Chiar daca credeti ca stiti totul despre vita-de-vie, sper sa aflati cateva lucruri noi de la mine!

In the next post I will talk about grape vine. Even if you think you know all about it, I am hoping that I will bring some new information!

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

Bride Parade


Pot sa postez anuntul despre Bride Parade, pentru ca proiectul a fost lansat oficial! Ca un director de media ce ma aflu, va prezint comunicatul de presa pe care l-am conceput si care a aparut ieri pe Mediafax - Comunicat presa Bride Parade si pe Comunicate Media.

Pe langa premiile care va asteapta, de peste 4.000 Euro, o surpriza de proportii o constituie prezenta Loredanei - Prima Mireasa Bride Parade! Ea se va imbraca in rochie de mireasa si va defila alaturi de participante, in avangarda paradei.

Organizatorii, adica daniel:photography si Reigna Couture au gandit acest proiect si l-au pus in aplicare. O parada de mirese, masini de epoca, fanfara, rude si prieteni, defiland pe Calea Victoriei pentru a aduce in prim-plan Femeia-Mireasa si a celebra nunta ca punct de plecare a viitoarei familii.

Evenimentul, unic in Romania si in Europa, va avea loc in data de 17 mai 2009 pe traseul Piata Victoriei, Calea Victoriei, Bulevardul Libertatii, Piata Constitutiei (in fata Palatului Parlamentului). Bride Parade va incepe la ora 10.00 si se va desfasura pe parcursul a aproximativ 4 ore.

De astazi a inceput inscrierea la Bride Parade, asa ca si tu poti fii mireasa pentru inca o zi!

Participantele se pot inscrie pe site-ul in perioada 23 aprilie – 16 mai 2009. La finalul paradei se va organiza o tombola cu premii in valoare totala de peste 4.000 Euro: sesiuni foto, o rochie de mireasa sau de seara, sesiuni make-up si coafura, aranjamente florale si multe altele.

Parteneri Bride Parade: Videostil, Locanta Jaristea, Eveniment-auto, PhotoRental, Hair Wizard, Flower Serv, Cosmina Kelemen, BDD Weddings&Events, Clinica Trident, Velvet Honeymoon.

Parteneri media Bride Parade: Radio Gold FM, Intact Interactive, Hotnews, Revista Ioana.

Link-uri directe catre sesiunea foto de la mare: Fotografie si Making-of. In curand, veti gasi si partea video a intregii actiuni de acum doua saptamani, un fel de repetitie generala pentru Bride Parade.


joi, 16 aprilie 2009

A quite and peacefull Easter for everybody! Un Paste linistit va doresc!

Ceva mai tarziu voi uploada si fotografii cu noile noastre plante (la postul anterior), dar acum vreau sa urez tuturor ortodoxilor "Paste Fericit!".

Later today I will upload some pictures with our new plants to the previous post, but right now I want to wish to all orthodox people a "Happy Easter!".

Prieteni, dragi prieteni, avem 2 date religioase importante, Craciunul si Pastele. In aceste zile, ne aducem aproape familia si prietenii si suntem fericiti ca sunt alaturi de noi in aceste momente magice.

My friends, dear, dear friends, we have two important religious dates, Christmas and Easter. In these times, we are bringing closer the family and friends, we are happy that we have them around us when we are celebrating these magical moments together.

Sper ca fiecare dintre voi va aprecia fiecare minut deosebit si se va gandi la sacrificiul lui Hristos, sacrificiu facut ca noi sa fim astazi aici.

I am hoping that you will appreciate every quality moment and you will think that Jesus made its sacrifice for us, to be here today!

Noi vom pleca intr-o mini-vacanta, asa ca ne vom revedea saptamana viitoare!

Fotografia o puteti considera o felicitare oferita voua, cititorilor mei, cu mult drag!

We will go in a mini-vacation, so we'll meet again next week!

You can consider this photo an Easter card especially for you, my dearest readers!



miercuri, 15 aprilie 2009

Another 5 plants in our garden! Inca 5 plante in gradina noastra!

Oooooo, da! Ieri suna interfonul, pe la 6, cred. "Sunt domnul cu plantele, am mai adus un pin superb, va intereseaza?" Raspuns: "sotul meu trebuie sa ajunga cam in 10-15 minute, puteti sa asteptati sau sa reveniti peste 30 minute?". "Aaaa, nu, il asteptam, nu e nicio problema!"

Ooooooo, yes! Yesterday, somebody call me on the interphone, around 6, I think. "I am the man with the plants, I brought another gorgeous pine, are you interested?" Answer: "my husband will be here in 10-15 minutes, can you wait or can you come back in 30 minutes?". "Aaaaa, no, it's ok, we'll wait for him, it's not a problem!"

Evident ca asteptau, ca doar cati clienti sunt dispusi sa investeasca niste bani inainte de Paste? Hehehe... poate doar Dani.

Of course they will wait, how many clients are willing to invest some money before Easter? Hehehe... maybe only Dani.

Concluzia? Inca 4 Thuja in gradina noastra si un pin superb! Inca nu am facut fotografii, dar daca nu reusesc astazi, sigur maine le veti vedea si pe acestea!

The conclusion? Another 4 Thuja in our garden and a gorgeous pine! I dont't have any pictures right now, but if I will not make some today, tomorrow for sure you will see them!

Ca atare, oamenii incoace si incolo, unii la cumparaturi, altii fac curatenie, unii gatesc, altii isi fac bagajele pentru mini-vacanta, nooooooi, nuuuuuu, noi plantam copaci!!!! Iupiiiiiii, cine mai e ca noi???

So, people are here and there, some to shopping, others with cleaning, some are cooking, others make the luggage for the mini-vacation, weeeeeeeeeee, noooooooo, we are planting trees!!!! Iupiiiiii, who is like us?

Dupa cum spun deseori, la noi ca la nebuni!!! Tot timpul! Dar e fun, traiesti viata la maxim si te bucuri de fiecare clipa! Voi ce ziceti?

As I say very often, we are like in a madhouse!!! All the time! But it's fun, we are living life to the maximum and enjoying every minute of it! What do you say about that?

luni, 13 aprilie 2009

Climbing strawberries - Capsuni cataratori

Dupa ce apar primele frunze, cam la 2-3 saptamani apar si primele flori, ceea e bine, pentru ca atunci frunzele sunt deja mari, bogate si bine dezvoltate.

After 2-3 weeks from the first leaves appearance, you will se the first flowers, which is good, because then the leaves are big, rich and well developed.

Am avut mai multe cerinte primite pe mail legate de capsunii cataratori, ca atare ma conformez si fac un post separat.

I had several e-mail requests regarding climbing strawberries, so this is a post dedicated to them.

Dupa cum stiti si ati citit, eu am capsuni cataratori, plantati langa foisor, pe 3 laturi ale acestuia. Anul trecut am avut o productie foarte frumoasa, iar capsunile au fost mari si gustoase.

As you know and read, I have climbing strawberries, planted near the garden wooden tower, on 3 sides of it. Last year I had a beautiful production and the strawberries were big and tasty.

Am cumparat 6 stoloni, daca imi aduc bine aminte, acum 2 ani. Evident, fiind cataratori, este absolut obligatoriu sa ii plantati langa gard sau foisor sau sa le oferiti spaliere pe care se pot urca. Cu toate ca, este spus impropriu ca ei "se urca", pentru ca nu se intampla ca la trandafirul catarator, de exemplu. Trebuie sa ii urcati voi, altfel se intind pe pamant, unde gasesc o zona propice!

I bought 6, if I remember well, 2 years ago. Of course, you have to plant them near the fence or near a garden wooden tower or you should put a treliss to climb on it. Although their name is climbing strawberries, there are not like the climbing roses, for example. You have to climb them yourself, otherwise they are spreading on the ground, in a fertile area!

Chiar daca firmele care ii vand se lauda ca veti avea capsuni gigantice, sa nu va asteptati sa se intample acest lucru in primul an, poate chiar in primii 2! Dar nu va descurajati, pentru ca sunt dulci si zemoase, chiar daca sunt mai micute.

Even if the companies brag about the gigantic strawberries you'll have, don't expect this in the first year, maybe in the first 2 years! But don't let this to discourage you, because the fruits are sweet and juicy, even they are small.

Se pare ca multe persoane care au achizitionat soiul Mount Everest, si nu numai, s-au plans, inclusiv la Protectia Consumatorului, ca reclama a fost inselatoare si ca nu au obtinut ce li s-a promis. Pe mine ma intriga chestia asta, pentru ca, ca la orice soi fructifer, dureaza macar un an pana cand sa ajungi la productia "adevarata". Un mar nu iti face decat in al doilea an cateva mere, si alea acre, vita-de-vie nu are fructe in primii ani, iar gutuiul face flori, dar fructe nu prea in primii 2 ani. Nu stiu cine se asteapta sa aiba capsuni de 50 cm in primul an si capsuni care ajung la o inaltime de 15 metri!

It seems that a lot of people who bought Mount Everest type or others, complained that the commercial was deceptive and they didn't get what they were promissed. This intrigues me because, like any other fruit type, it takes at least an year to reach the "real" production. An apple tree will give in the second year few apples, sour, the grape doesn't have fruits in the first years, and the quince has only flowers in the first 2 years. I don't know who expects to have 50 cm strawberries fruits in the first year or strawberries with a 15 m height!

Eu stiu doar ca ai mei, anul trecut, in a doua vara, au ajuns cam pana la 1,5 metri, dar pe mai multe straturi, sa zic asa, iar ce capsuni au facut puteti vedea aici.

I know that mine, last year, in the second summer, reached 1.5 m, multi-leveled sorth of speak, and you can see what strawberries had here.

Nu stiu daca stiti acest lucru, dar ceea ce noi numim "capsuni de gradina" sunt in realitate fragi cu fruct mai mare. Fac parte, dupa cum spuneam, din specia Fragaria, familia Rosaceae. Acestea sunt pe locul 2 in ceea ce priveste cantitatea de vitamina C continuta, coacazele negre fiind inaintea lor.

I don't know if you know this, but what we call "garden strawberries" are in fact Fragaria species, Rosaceae family. They contain a large amount of C vitamin, 2nd place after blueberry.

Pe langa intrebuintarile alimentare, capsunile se folosesc la albirea dintilor sau in gelurile exfoliante.

Along with food applications, the strawberries are used to teeth whitening or exfoliant gel.

Din pacate, pot cauza si alergii, de aceea nu sunt indicate copiilor sub 1 an sau persoanelor cu fond alergenic cunoscut. Datorita acestui lucru, in Argentina au fost considerate pana pe la mijlocul secolului 19 ca fiind otravitoare.

Unfortunately, they can cause alergies, so it's better for under 1 year children and alergenic people to avoid them. That's why, until mid 19th century, in Argentina, the strawberries were considered poisoning.

Va pot spune ca eu consider ca orice gradina trebuie sa aiba si capsuni, cataratori sau nu, mai ales ca sunt extrem de usor de ingrijit, cresc rapid si va ofera satisfactii "fizice", palpabile. :)

I can tell you that I think every gardener should have strawberries, climbing or not, because are very easy to care, fast growing and giving "physical" satisfations too, beside beauty. :)

vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

Whom can you call a real gardener? Ce inseamna sa fii gradinar adevarat?

Voi ma stiti... si daca nu ma stiti, ma puteti cunoaste pe Creata la Patrat. Dupa cum am scris si in antet, sunt o tipa amuzanta, haioasa, cinica, libera, corecta si lista poate continua cu inca o multime de alte asemenea.

You know me... and if you don't, you can get to know me on Creata la Patrat. As I wrote there, I am a funny girl, happy, cynical, free, fair and honest, and the list can go on with a lot of these.

Am tot stat si m-am gandit daca sa scriu acest post sau nu... Nooo, nu va agitati, ca n-am gandit mult!

I sat and thought if I should write this post or not... Noooo, don't get excited, I didn't thought too much!

Ce inseamna sa fii gradinar adevarat? O persoana care are gradina de legume este mai "sus" decat una care are doar o gradina cu plante si flori? Daca ai pomi fructiferi in curte te poti considera un gradinar mai de soi? Daca ai gradina si altii au doar o mica "sera" in apartament, te crezi mai destept?

Whom can you call a "true and real gardener"? A person who has a vegetables garden is "higher" than a person who has only plants and flowers? If you have fruit trees in the yard you can call yourself a better gardener? If you have a large garden and others only have a little garden in the apartment, do you think you're smarter?

Hmmm... dileme... pentru unii! Pentru mine este foarte clar! Gradinaritul este o pasiune frumoasa si care iti aduce multe satisfactii. Daca ai plante si flori in apartament, pomi sau arbusti in curte, tot gradinar te numesti!! Ca sa fiu putin (sau mai mult, voi decideti) cinica, voi da trei explicatii din dex.

Hmmm... dilemas... for some people! For me it's clear! The gardening is a beautiful passion, which brings you many satisfactions. If you have plants and flowers in your apartment, trees or shrubs in the garden, you can call yourself a gardener! To be a little bit (or more, you decide), cynical, I will give three explanations from the dictionary.

Gradinar - persoana care se ocupa de cultivarea unei gradini
Gradina - suprafata de teren arabil, de obicei ingradita, pe care se cultiva legume, flori sau pomi fructiferi, in vederea obtinerii unor produse.
Cinic - care denota sfidare; sarcastic, sfidator, insolent, nerusinat.

Gardener - a person who cultivates a garden
Garden - an arable land, usually with fence around it, where you can grow vegetables, flowers or fruit trees, in order to obtain products.
Cynical - indicates contempt; sarcastic, insolent, shameless.

Aceasta dorinta de frumos, aceasta dovada de iubire de natura, aceasta pasiune, dupa cum spuneam mai sus, trebuie sa uneasca oamenii si sa ii innobileze. Dupa parerea mea, avem parte de competitii toata viata noastra. Daca ne referim strict la subiectul gradinarit, competitia nu isi are locul. Adica, da, te uiti, afli, intrebi, ai vrea, ai prioritati, te inspiri, muncesti, dar totul trebuie sa ramana in spiritul unei competitii pozitive, daca imi permiteti licenta. Asa vad eu lucrurile! Daca participi la competitii cu lalele galbene, nu poti sa nu admiri concurentul care a inventat o lalea in picatele portocalii cu dungi albastre!

Din pacate, intotdeauna vom gasi persoane pe care pasiunea declarata cu voce tare peste tot nu ii innobileaza!

This desire for beauty, this evidence for nature love, this passion, as I said earlier, should bring people close to each other and should ennoble them. In my opinion, we participate in competitions entire our lifes. If we are narrowing to the gardening, the competition is out of order. I mean, yes, you are looking, find out, asking, wishing, have priorities, inspiring, working, but everything should stay in the spirit of positive competition, if you are allowing me to use this license. That's how I see things! If you are participating in a competition with yellow tulips, you can't stop yourself to admire the contestant who invented the tulip with orange dots and blue stripes!

Unfortunately, we will always see people who declares their passion out loud, but this passion don't ennoble them!

Trebuie sa imi pun ceapa si morcovi in gradina ca sa ma ridic la nivelul celorlalti gradinari???? Sau sa trec la chestii "grele", gen broccoli, fasole roz si cartofi mov?????

Should I plant onion and carrots in the garden to rise up to other gardener's level? Or should I plant "hard" stuff, like broccoli, pink beans or purple potatoes?

Neaaaaah, raman la ce stiu mai bine, la ce imi place sa ingrijesc, la gradina mea, ca un adevarat GRADINAR ce ma aflu!

Neaaah, I stick to what I know best, to what I love to care, to my garden, like a real GARDENER!

PS: legenda pentru fotografii.

Le-am realizat din dormitorul lui Dragos, fratele meu.

Prima fotografie, palcul de conifere noi, plantate duminica trecuta.

A doua fotografie, aproape toata gradina noastra, de la casa parintilor mei pana la casa noastra, avand foisorul in mijloc, magazia in dreapta sus si, nu se vede, in dreapta jos, padocul Dochitei, ciobanescul nostru carpatin. In stanga, unde este nisip acum, a fost terenul meu pentru jocuri outdoor, anul acesta va fi transformat in loc de joaca pentru Mariuca si prietenii ei.

A treia fotografie, padocul Dochitei, ea la umbra, undeva in spatele custii.

PS: photos' legend
I made the shots from Dragos' bedroom, my brother.
First photo, coniferous part, planted last Sunday.
Second photo, almost the whole garden, from my parents house to our house, with the garden wooden tower in the middle, tools shed to the upper right and, you don't see, lower right, Dochita's paddock, our carpathian sheppard dog. To the left, where is the sand now it was my playground, but starting this year will be the playground for Mariuca and her friends.
Third photo, Dochita's paddock, she is on the shadow, somewhere behind the kennel.

Nu arata perfect, mai este mult de munca, trebuie sa replantam gazonul, sa facem curatenie in foisor, sa scoatem tot pavajul din fata casei si sa punem bordurile care sunt langa magazie, sa curatam fiecare copac si planta in parte, sa..., sa... lista ramane deschisa!

Doesn't look perfect, we have a lot of work ahead us, we have to replant the grass, to clean the garden wooden tower, to remove the pavement in front of the house and to put the curbs (right now they are near the shed), to clean every tree and plant, to..., to... the list remains open!

In incheiere, o sa va bucur ochii cu o fotografie a unei flori superbe, un alt tip de magnolia, pe care o au parintii mei in gradina.

Closing, I will make you happy with a gorgeous flower, another magnolia type which my parents have in the garden.

miercuri, 8 aprilie 2009

Ideas for a "small" garden - Idei pentru o gradina "mica"

Stiti cum se autosesizeaza parchetul sau politia? Uite-asa am facut si eu! Am citit pe blog-ul Kristinei, aici, ca vrea sa isi amenajeze curtea, dar ca nu are decat 35 metri patrati la dispozitie. Cineva a lasat un comentariu in care isi exprima mirarea (ca sa nu zic rautatea, hehe) si se intreba unde o sa ii intre toate lucrurile de pe lista de "to do". Si atunci m-am zbarlit! :)

I read on Kristina's blog that she wants to arrange a courtyard, only 35 square meters. Somebody left a message and wondered where she will put all the stuff on the "to do" list.

In primul rand, nu conteaza cat ai teren... 35, 100 sau 500 metri patrati. Daca ai ciment, e perfect! Nu la fel de atragator ca o "mare" verde, dar se pot face lucruri absolut spectaculoase! Nu toata lumea are noroc de curte generoasa, plus ca o curte de dimensiuni mari este greu de ingrijit si necesita ajutoare serioase. Cu un copil mic, la varsta agitatiei extreme si alergatului, nici nu sfatuiesc sa va apucati de o gradina mare fara sa angajati o firma sau zilieri.

First of all, doesn't matter how small is your yard... 35, 100 or 500 sqm. If you have concrete or pavement, that's perfect! Not as apealing as a green "sea", but you can do spectacular arrangements! Not everybody is lucky enough to have a huge yard, beside that, a large yard is hard to care for it and needs serious help. With a baby in his "up and running" stage, I advise you to hire a company or workers by day.

Cimentul sau spatiul pavat iti da posibilitatea sa te extinzi pe verticala. Este curat, nu trebuie sa cureti buruieni si aspectuos. Poti alege flori cataratoare sau curgatoare (ca sa-ti ocupe spatiu putin), ridicate/coborate pe spaliere din lemn. Spalierele pot fi montate in ghivece mai mari, la modul urmator: in ghivece poti avea flori de dimensiuni mici, gen primula, garofite, craite, lalele, si tot acolo poti planta plante agatatoare, pe care sa le urci pe spalier. Ceskai i-am recomandat intr-un alt post de-al meu cateva plante cataratoare. Varianta cu plantele curgatoare este aproape identica, cu mica diferenta ca ghiveciul trebuie sa fie sus, iar planta sa curga frumos. Cand zic sus, nu ma gandesc ca e nevoie de scaun la udat, ci poate sa fie cam 1,8-2-2,2 metri.

The concrete or the pavement gives you the possibility to expand verticaly. Clean, without weeds and nice. You can choose climbing or falling flowers (to ocupy less space) next to wooden trelisses. Teh trelisses can be fixed on a pot like this: in the pot you can have little flowers (primrose, small carnation, tulips) close to climbing flowers, which you can climb on the treliss. I wrote a post with some recommendations for Ceska here. The other variant, with the falling plants, is almost identical, but the pot has to be at 1,8-2-2,2 m height.

Kristina spusese ca isi doreste un pavilion pentru gradina. Am si eu in fix, ca am avut si stiu ca nu e trainic, asa ca ii recomand o alta varianta, la fel de practica, dar, zic eu, mult mai frumoasa: o pergola pe care o poti acoperi cu verdeata (sa nu te bata soarele) si care poate suplini lipsa de verdeata de la nivelul solului. Pe aceasta pergola, in exteriorul ei, se pot monta spaliere si se pot planta chiar si trandafiri cataratori!

Kristina said that she wants a garden pavilion. I have something on my mind with this pavilion, 'cause I had one and broken. So I recommend her another option, also practical, but much nicer: a pergola with various plants (not to let the sun) which can substitute the lack of verdure from the ground. On this pergola, you can fix trelisses, and outside it you can plant even climbing roses!

Ca sa decorezi o curte cu ciment, se pot cumpara ghivece mari, din plastic, dar cu diverse forme si texturi (imitatie de caramida, de lut, de piatra etc.) si se pot planta diverse conifere, ca sa ramana o zona verde pe tot parcursul anului. Noi avem thuja - le poti vedea aici si aici. Este o planta foarte iubita si se gaseste in mai multe variante.

To decorate a concret yard, you can buy large pots, plastic, but with various shapes and textures (brick, clay, stone etc.) and you can plant coniferous trees, to stay green all year long. We have thuja - you can see them here and here. It is a loved plant and in numerous shapes.

Eu cred ca scopul oricarui iubitor de plante si de verdeata, de natura si de frumos, este sa gaseasca locuri, variante si idei astfel incat sa isi realizeze un spatiu de relaxare atat de necesar oriunde ar fi acesta si oricat de mic ar fi.

I think the purpose of each plant, nature and beauty lover, is to find places, variants and ideas to create a relaxing space so needed nowdays, not matter where is this space or how small it is.

luni, 6 aprilie 2009

A whole new garden!! Mine! O gradina cu totul noua! A mea!

Sambata, o parte din gradina noastra s-a schimbat complet! Adica, Dani a cumparat 7 Thuja, 2 pini gen Jenupar, pitici, si a primit gratis 2 salcii crete. A muncit toata ziua sa le planteze, a plecat apoi si a cumparat 4 pietre mari, iar rezultatul il vedeti mai jos:

Saturday, a part of our garden changed completely! Dani bought 7 Thuja, 2 pines (resembles with Jenupar), small, and received 2 free curly willows. He worked all day to plant them, bought also 4 big stones, and you can see the result below:

Alt unghi

Another angle

Nu sunt superbi?

Arent't they gorgeous?

Salcia creata

Curly willow

Pinii si pietrele

The pines and the stones

Tot aranjamentul

The whole mini-garden

Iar acum... pun niste poze cu dezvoltarea plantelor si florilor. Inceput de aprilie, la noi in gradina:

And now, some pictures with the development of plants and flowers. At the beginning of the April, our garden:





Crin salbatic

Wild lily


Cherry tree


Quince tree


Apricot tree


vineri, 3 aprilie 2009

Euphorbia Tirucalli

Sheila a vorbit despre un tip de Euphorbia. Si am realizat ca si eu am o floare numita Euphorbia Tirucalli. De care oricum vroiam sa va vorbesc intr-un post. Aceasta planta am regasit-o si in Gradina Botanica din Cluj, cu ocazia vizitei noastre de acum 3 ani.

Sheila talked about a species of Euphorbia. And I realized that I have an Euphorbia Tirucalli. I wanted anyway to talk about it in a post, so this is it. This plant I found it also in Cluj Botanical Garden, 3 years ago.

Aici aveti poza de acolo, destul de aglomerata, cu multe in jur.

Thsi is the picture from the Garden, pretty crowded.

Asa arata a mea Euphorbia Tirucalli, pe de-a intregul:

My whole Euphorbia Tirucalli:

O parte din varf, plin de noi frunzulite...

A part of the top, full of new small leaves...

Frunzulitele seamana cu mici petale si cad foarte repede.

The small leaves resembles with little petals and fall quickly.

Eu am primit-o cand era o mica plantuta, iar acum este mare si frumoasa. Ar fi fost si mai si, dar anul trecut am scos-o afara, in fata casei. M-am gandit ca ii va merge bine la soare. M-am inselat si i s-au uscat multe ramuri, pe care le-am taiat. Chiar daca erau aproape uscate, a curs un lichid alb, laptos din ele. De aceea, aceasta planta se mai numeste si Tufisul de Lapte. Dar numele i-a fost dat datorita aspectului, pentru ca acest lichid este, de fapt, un latex otravitor, care, cu putin efort, poate fi transformat in benzina. Nu lasati copiii si animalele de casa sa manance din el. Cu toate astea, in medicina traditionala, latex-ul produs de acest tip de Euphorbia este folosit in tratamentul impotentei sexuale si ca antidot al veninului de sarpe.

I received this plant when it was small, and now it's big and beautiful. It could have been taller, but last year I put it in front of the house. I thought the sun will be good for it. I was wrong and many branches seared. I cut them. Although they were almost seared, a white, milky liquid poured. That's why the plant is also called Milky Bush. But the name was given based only on the aspect, because this liquid is, in fact, a poison latex, which can be transformed, with some effort, in gasoline. Don't let children and pets to eat it. Although, in traditional medicine it is regarded as a cure for sexual impotence and an antidote for snakebite.

Se mai numeste si Copacul Creion, pentru ca, dupa cum ati vazut in fotografii, ramurile lui seamana cu niste creioane. Creste ca nebunul, poate lua si 50 cm in inaltime pe an, si poate ajunge pana la o inaltime de peste 10 metri. In Brazilia si Arhipelagul Galapagos este foarte iubit si intalnit, pentru ca prefera orice fel de sol. Cand nu se poate cultiva nimic altceva, pentru ca solul este extrem de arid, el se comporta ca un cactus si creste repede.

Another name for Euphorbia Tirucalli is Pencil Tree, because, as you seen in the pictures, its branches looks like pencils. It grows like mad, can grow with 50 cm height per year to a maximum 10 m height. In Brasil and Galapagos Islands is very loved and popular, because can grow in any type of soil. When nothing else can grow there, when the soil is to arid, Euphorbia Tirucalli is like a cactus and grows fast.

Euphorbia are aproximativ 2.000 specii in intreaga lume, vreo 200 in sudul Africii, iar din cele 200, vreo 14 specii sunt copaci. Euphorbia Tirucalli este originara din Africa, dar in prezent se gaseste si in Australia, India, Indonezia, China, pe intinderi mari.

Euphorbia has aproxx. 2.000 species all around the world, 200 in South Africa, from the 200 species, 14 species are trees. Euphorbia Tirucalli is native African, but today is spread also in Australia, India, Indonesia, China, large surfaces.

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009

We have a winner!! Avem un castigator!

Concursul meu a fost castigat!!!!!! Am aflat numele plantei cu flori asa de interesante: Spatiphilium!!!!!

My contest has a winner!!!!! I found out the name of the plant with such an interesting flower: Spatiphilium!!!!

Iar fericita castigatoare este Beinaz. Ea m-a apelat pe messenger si m-a dojenit ca nu stiu numele florii. :)

And the happy winner is Beinaz. She sent me a message on messenger and scold me about not knowing the name of the flower.

Beinaz, asta ai castigat tu, o diploma din partea mea, precum si o floare Spatiphilium, pe care ai recunoscut-o cu o asemenea usurinta. Cu prima ocazie cand ajung la tine, iti voi inmana si premiul.

Beinaz, here is your prize, a diploma from me, as well as a Spatiphilium flower, which you recognize it so easily. Next time I will come to your home, I will give you the prize!