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sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

Primrose - Primula

Dupa cum stiti, Primula este o floare de primavara, ca atare degeaba o fotografiez pe a mea, ca nu mai are flori. Primula se intalneste intr-o paleta larga de culori, a mea este mov. Adora locurile luminoase, dar nu cu soare direct, iar in perioada infloririi e bine ca pamantul sa fie ud in permanenta. Mare atentie cand o udati, sa nu atingeti florile cu apa. Apa se pune, cel mai bine, sub frunze.

As you all know, Primrose is a spring flower, so it is in vain to take a picture now, because mine has no flowers. You can find a lot of colours of Primula, mine is mauve. She loves bright places, but no direct sunlight, and in blooming time is better to wet it a lot. Be careful when you wet it not to touch the flowers with water. It's better to wet it under the leaves.

Interesting facts

Daca mancati o Primula, puteti vedea zane! Va tenteaza? :)

Prietenii din Austria au o Primula alpina pe moneda de 5 Eurocenti.

Exista aproximativ 400 specii de Primula.

Femeile ar trebui sa foloseasca ulei de Primula, pentru ca ajuta aparatul genital feminin si regleaza nivelul de hormoni din corp. Mai mult decat atat, stimuleaza arderea grasimilor si imbunatateste calitatea pielii si a unghiilor, datorita continutului de acizi grasi.

Ciubotica-cucului popular sau Primula auricula este planta alpina si este protejata de lege.

If you eat a Primula you can see fairies! Are you tempted? :)

Our friends from Austria have an alpine Primula on the 5 Eurocents coin.

There are aprox. 400 species of Primula.

Primula oil helps women to regulate hormon's level and protects genital organs. More of that, stimulates fat burning and improves the nails and skin quality because contains fat acids.

Ciubotica-cucului (mot-a-mot translation "Cuckoo's boot") is the popular name for Primula auricula. It is an alpine plant and it is protected by law.

2 comentarii:

Tatyana@MySecretGarden spunea...

Very interesting, Silvia, especially the last part!

Unknown spunea...

@ Thank you, Tatyana! I am wishing to say interesting and new things about plants and sometimes I accomplish that.