De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita. [at]

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Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!

miercuri, 6 mai 2009

Rome, Italy - Roma, Italia

Am fost intr-o mini-vacanta, mult asteptata si dorita, la Roma. Stiu ca am promis ca voi vorbi despre vita-de-vie, dar, ca sa va imbunez, va arat cateva fotografii de la Roma.

We were in a mini-vacation, so waited and needed, to Rome, Italy. I know I promised that I will talk about grape vine, but, to soften you, I will show you some pictures from Rome.

Maine va astept din nou pe site! Adica ma intorc la treaba si vin cu informatii noi!

Tomorrow I am expecting you again on my site! That means I am back in business and I will come with new information!


The Colosseum

Arcul de triumf de langa Colosseum

Triumph arch next to the Colosseum

Piata Navona

Navona square

Fontana di Trevi

Azaleele din piata Spaniei

The azaleas from Spain square

6 comentarii:

David Octavian spunea...

Minunat.Sa va fie de bine.Nu stiam eu de ce nu mai esti pe aici.

Victoria Williams spunea...

Italy provides a lovely vacation.

Unknown spunea...

@ Vicky - daaaaa, am tot lipsit. Ba cu Bride Parade, ba cu plecarea. Oricum, suntem pe ultima suta de metri, duminica acum, pe 17 mai, va fi parada, asa ca voi reveni mai des.

@ Dirt princess - thank you!

@ Victoria - yes indeed!!!! It is beautiful and full of american tourists!

cherry spunea...

Beautiful! enjoy yourselves
hugs, Cherry

Italy spunea...

What do you think about the wines made in suthern Italy.

Unknown spunea...

Italy - I don't drink alcohol, so I can not say anything about the wines. :( I've heard about them, don't know any brand though, but I am zero in this field. :)