I know you missed me and I know that I didn't wrote a post for sometime. That's because I was exclusively involved in Bride Parade project, physically and emotionally.
Revin in forta si vreau sa va vorbesc despre cimbru. Am primit acum vreo 3 saptamani un cimbru salbatic, aduc tocmai din Grecia, dintr-o insula. Din pacate, la momentul la care scriu acest post, cred ca nu il mai pot resuscita. Dani il uda constant, dar ramurelele verzi pe care le puteti observa in fotografii nu mai sunt de mult timp verzi.
I am back and I want to talk about savory. 3 weeks ago I received a wild savory, brought all away from Greece, from an island. Unfortunately, as I write this post, I think I can not bring it to life. Dani wet it constantly, but the green leaves as seen in the pictures are no longer green.
Imi pare rau, pentru ca cimbrul este o planta extraordinara. Evident, venita din tarile mediteraneene, ca Grecia, Italia. Ii place mult soarele si adora stancile si formatiunile stancoase. Al meu a fost smuls de pe o piatra si puteti vedea in fotografii, are o forma ciudata, sa se apere de vant si ploaie.
I am sorry because the savory is an extraordinary plant. Of course, from mediteranean countries, like Greece or Italy. Loves the sun and the rocks. Mine was taken from a rock and, you can see in the pictures, has a funny and odd shape, to protect itself from rain and wind.
Este o planta aromatica, cu un miros aparte si are efecte curative si terapeutice. In Romania a ajuns pe undeva prin secolul 11 si a fost foarte apreciat. Specia comuna atinge cam 50 cm inaltime, celelalte ating maxim 30 cm. Seamana cu rozmarinul si levantica, dar nu le poti confunda datorita mirosului.
It is an aromatic plant, with a particular smell and has therapeutical effects. Around 11 century came to Romania and it was well appreciated. The common species can reach 50 cm height, the other reach maximum 30 cm. It looks like lavender and rosemary, but you can not mixed them up because of the smell.
Femeile care au copii, cred ca stiu ca bunicile le recomandau ceai de cimbru, pentru a naste mai repede.
Women with children know that the grandmothers recommend savory tea for earlier and faster birth.
Pe vremuri, in Evul Mediu, se numea lamaita si se folosea foarte des in manastiri. Chiar si acum, in zilele noastre, culturi importante de cimbru se pot gasi la manastirile din Moldova. In Europa, doar Romania si Elvetia cultiva aceasta planta. In restul tarilor, de la Portugalia pana in Grecia, el creste spontan.
In Middle Ages, the name was aloysia and it was used in monasteries. Even nowdays, Moldavian monasteries have large crops of savory. In Europe, only Romania and Switzerland have savory crops. The other countries, like Portugal or Greece, have spontaneous crops.
Cimbrul nu este recomandat in perioadele caniculare, pentru ca accentueaza starea de caldura insuportabila.
The savory it is not recommend it in canicular times, because emphasises the unbearable heat.
Numele din engleza a fost influentat de un alt cuvant din engleza, savoury, care inseamna picant. Cimbrul poate fi folosit cu succes ca inlocuitor de piper, pentru cei cu intoleranta la acest condiment.
The name in English was influenced by an English adjective, savoury. The savory can be used succesfully as piper substitute, for those with intolerance to piper.
Se foloseste in special la preparatele din legume, ciorbe, salate sau chiar ciuperci, pentru ca ajuta foarte mult digestia. In mod normal, el trebuie adaugat chiar la inceputul prepararii legumelor, pentru ca prin procesare indelungata, isi pierde din proprietati.
It is used especially in vegetables meals, sour soups, salads or even mushrooms, because helps the digestion. Normally, you have to add it at the beginning of the cooking, because through a long processing looses the qualities.
Nu am cunostinte despre utilizarea cimbrului in SUA, dar poate ne ajuta prietenele mele de peste ocean.
I don't have any information about the savory usage in USA, but maybe my friends from the other part of the ocean can help me.
Am si 3 fotografii, cu el inca verde.
I have 3 pictures, when it was green.
7 comentarii:
Hi Silvia, I'm in the US and although I have heard of savory, I have never seen a recipe that included it. Just a guess, but I don't think it is as popular here as in your country. Rosemary is another herb that doesn't seem to be used much in the US. There may be some old family recipes that call for either of these.
Marnie, thank you for the information. I suspect it too that savory or rosemary it's not used in USA and you confirm this.
If you want to use this aromatic plant, I can send via e-mail some recipes with savory or rosemary. You will see that you'll love it!
daca as fi planta as fi busuioc sau cimbru...ca sa cresc in Grecia:)
@ Cris, sotul meu vrea sa ne mutam in Grecia, deci sigur ii surade ideea sa fie cimbru!!! :))
te rog frumos, daca va mutati sa ma infiati:))))
Totusi, din cate stiu, "cimbrul" nu este "savory", ci "thyme". De asemenea, se pare ca traducerea online da "savory" ca "cimbru" si "thyme" tot ca cimbru , desi sunt doua plante diferite. So, despre ce planta vorbim aici?
Am scris cu multa vreme in urma acest articol (mai bine de 6 ani in urma), nu stiu de ce am tradus atunci savory. Si eu folosesc astazi thyme, daca ma intreaba cineva. Am gasit pe wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_savory si acolo scrie ca acest cimbru este folosit in sarmalele romanesti, bucataria bulgareasca, precum si in amestecurile en provence.
Atat Savory, cat si Thyme, fac parte din aceeasi familie - Lamiaceae.
Ce planta am primit eu in 2009... beats me! Sa pastrez limba engleza. :)
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