De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita. [at]

Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!

Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!

vineri, 30 octombrie 2009

Update late October - Update la sfarsit de octombrie

Vor veni si fotografii maine, pentru ca Dani mi-a luat card-ul din greseala. :)

I will have photos tomorrow, because Dani took my card by mistake. :)

Am adus toate florile in casa inca de acum doua saptamani si am ramas uimita ieri, cand le-am udat, de progresul lor in casa.

I brought all the flowers into the house since 2 weeks ago and I was stunned yesterday when I saw them.

Narcisa alba a inflorit, de unde toata vara, afara, nu a facut o floare macar, Oncidium de la Cristina are o floare superba, galbena, Trifoiul roz si-a marit productia de flori, Muscatele sunt superbe, Trandafirul japonez are 2 flori!

The white Narcissus bloomed, and all summer long had zero flowers, Oncidium has a beautiful yellow flower, pick trefoil has many new flowers, Geraniums are gorgeous, Japanese rose has 2 flowers!

Am cumparat si un lampadar special pentru florile de pe scara la etaj. Pe casa scarii este multa lumina in mod obisnuit, dar cand sunt zile cu ploaie si nori, florile de acolo sunt cam in umbra. Am dus Monstera (doua bucati), un trandafir japonez si cele doua Canna.

I bought a standard lamp especially for the first floor flowers. Usually, the staircase has plenty of light, but when it is a cloudy, rainy day, the flowers are in a shadow there. I have two Monstera, Japanese Rose and two Canna.

Evident ca le-am aranjat altfel decat anul trecut, dar acum parca ar fi mai aerisite, cu toate ca sunt mai multe. :) Am reusit imposibilul, recunosc! Poate maine, cand o sa realizez fotografiile, o sa le si numar. Chiar sunt curioasa cate plante am in casa!

Of course, the set-up in the house is different from last yeat, but now looks more light, although I have more plants than last year. I made the impossible possible, I know! :) Maybe tomorrow, when I will take the pictures, I will countdown them. I am curious to know how many plants I have in my home!

Am neglijat acest blog si chiar imi pare rau, dar de cand ne-am apucat de business, de cand am inceput sa concepem retetele de sapun natural, de cand am pus la punct marca Soap Mill, de cand am inceput sa ne extindem oferta de sapunuri naturale si sa continuam cu lansarile, nu mai am timp de nimic! Si cand spun nimic, nu exagerez. Am grija de Mariuca si ma ocup de Soap Mill. Atat si nimic mai mult. Dar sper ca lucrurile sa intre pe un fagas normal incepand cu anul viitor, mai ales ca nu mai e mult pana atunci. Va mai fi nebunia de sfarsit de an, deja am semnat participarea la doua targuri, dar o sa incerc sa mai scriu si aici, pentru ca mi-e drag acest blog.

Si pregatim site-ul si in engleza! Aviz amatorilor prieteni din strainatate! Iar in curand, vom avea distributie in UK.

I neglected this blog and I am sorry, but I don't have anymore spare time!! Starting with our idea of business, with the original recepies of natural soap, the Soap Mill brand, a new launch after a new launch, I am taking care of Mariuca and Soap Mill activities and that's it! I am hoping that in 2010 things will change. We will have a rough time at the end of this year, with all the fairs and Christmas time, but I will try to write something new here, because I care about this blog. :)

We are preparing the website also in English! This is for our friends abroad! And soon, we will have distribution in UK.

Maine va astept la fotografii, daaaaa? :)

Tomorrow... pictures... OooooK?? :)

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