In primul rand, vita-de-vie se poate gasi intr-o gramada de locuri, de la Iran la Maroc, din Germania pana in Franta, din Asia pana in Romania.
First of all, you can find the grape vine in numerous places, from Iran to Maroc, from Germany to France, from Asia to Romania.
Nu stiu daca stiati, dar vita-de-vie este, de fapt, o liana, ce poate atinge chiar si inaltimea de 35 metri. Exista si varianta salbatica, cu fructe mici, de 5-6 mm.
I dont't know if you know that, but the grape vine is in fact a liana with a maximum height of 35 m. It has also a wild species, with small fruits, 5-6 mm.
In America de nord a ajuns in jurul anului 1600, cand noi eram cu Mihai Viteazu si a sa unire. Ceea ce exista in Europa si pe alte continente in momentul de fata ca vita-de-vie provine dintr-un soi altoit din America de nord, ca sa poata face fata Phylloxerei. Vreo cativa ani, Europa a ramas fara productie de vin datorita acestei insecte.
In north America the grape vine is reported around 1600, when we were with Mihai Viteazu and its Unification. What exists in Europe and other continents right now results from a graft species from north America, to survive over the Phylloxera. A few years, Europe left without wine production because of this insect.
In Georgia s-a descoperit un depozit de vin vechi de 7.000 ani, asa ca eu zic ca toata lumea aprecia aceasta bautura, inca de cand a aparut femeia, hehe.
In Georgia, a wine cellar was discovered 13 years ago, 7.000 years old, so I think everybody loved this drink, ever since the woman was made up, hehe.
Normal, chinezii, grecii si egiptenii nu s-au lasat mai prejos si au folosit strugurii pentru a prepara vin, dar si pentru a vindeca anumite boli de piele sau ochi. Deoarece contin vitaminele A si B, precum si un colorant cu rol tonic (cei negri), se recomanda chiar si cure de struguri, de 1-2 kg pe zi, pentru a preveni sau trata anumite afectiuni.
Of course, chinese, greeks and egyptians used the grapes to make wine, but also to cure some skin and eyes diseases. Because the grapes are full of A and B vitamins and tonic dye (black ones), it is good to have a grapes diet, 1-2 kg per day, to prevent or to cure some diseases.
La facultate am invatat ca in simbolistica traditionala, vita-de-vie reprezinta trupul lui Isus, iar vinul sangele Lui. Burebista a vrut chiar sa distruga toate culturile de vita-de-vie, pentru ca credea ca oamenii lui sunt tulburati datorita vinului baut.
In college I learned that in traditional symbolistic, the grape vine represents Jesus body, and the wine Its blood. Burebista wanted to destroy all the grape vines because he thought that its people are troubled by the wine.
La Simleul Silvaniei a fost gasit un colier dublu de aur, datand din veacurile III-IV, avand insirate mai multe reproduceri in miniatura ale unor unelte, printre care si un cosor de vie si o foarfeca de vie; el este impodobit cu cinci foi de vita stilizate.
In Simleul Silvaniei was found a double golden necklace, from 3-4 century, with mini-reproduction of tools, a grape vine and a scisor. It has also 5 grape leaves.
La traci, greci si romani, zeul fructelor, vegetatiei si mai ales al vitei-de-vie si al vinului, era Dionysos, caruia romanii ii spuneau Bacchus.
Tracs and greeks had Dionysos, romans had Bacchus - the fruits, vegetation and grape vine god.
Noi avem 5 butasi de vita-de-vie plantati langa gard, dar e de-abia al doilea an, asa ca nu ma astept sa avem struguri mai devreme de 2010, chiar 2011.
We have 5 grape vine planted near the fence, but it's only the second year, so I'm not expecting any grapes before 2010 or even 2011.
Nu am vrut sa va plictisesc cu lucruri deja stiute despre vita-de-vie, m-am gandit sa vin cu cateva informatii interesante si prea putin stiute. Fotografii nu am, pentru ca butasii nostri au cam 10 cm inaltime, dar sper ca stiti cum arata, hehe!
I didn't want to bore you with information that you all know about the grape vine, I thought I will come with some interesting stuff. I don't have pictures, because our grape vines have only 10 cm height, but I am hoping that you all know how it looks, hehe!
De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita.
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Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!
Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!
miercuri, 6 mai 2009
foarfeca de vie,
foi de vita,
grape vine,
vita de vie,
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5 comentarii:
Here's another grapevine tidbit: Pygmy goats favorite food! Ours devoured our 3 year old vines and now we will need to replant. Good luck with yours, don't let goats near them! lol
Minunat.Nu stiam aceste lucruri.Daca vrei struguri poti sa vii la mine cand se vor coace ca am o multime.
n-ar tb mentionate sursele din care te inspiri pt articole? ma gandesc ca ar fi interesant...
@ Heather - locky me I don't have goats, hehe!
@ Vicky - iti dai seama ca vin la tine, sa gust din licoarea lui Bacchus!!! :)
@ Anonim - in acest articol, in afara de cultura generala (surprinzator, nu-i asa? am si cultura generala!), am folosit informatii din surse publice de stiri - cele legate de depozitul de vin din Georgia si de colierul de aur gasit la Simleul Silvaniei.
Cu toate ca nu trebuie sa ma justific in fata unui "anonim"... dar mi se pare de bun-simt sa raspund unui mesaj.
Interesting information about the grape. They grow wild on my farm. Not the plump, sweet kind used in wine making today but smaller. The wild ones grow up telephone poles, very tall.
We have a Japanese beetle here now that eats the grape leaves. A very bad thing for wine makers and anyone growing table grapes.
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