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miercuri, 27 mai 2009
Aceste 2 Kalanchoe, alba si roz, le-am cumparat acum cateva saptamani din Hornbach. Imi plac Kalanchoe-le, mai am una rosie, iar anul trecut am avut alte trei, care, din pacate, nu au rezistat peste iarna.
I bought these two Kalanchoe, white and pink, a few weeks ago from Hornbach. I like Kalanchoes, I have another one red, and last year I had three who died.
Sunt flori suculente, carora le place lumina, chiar soarele direct, nu au nevoie de multa apa sau de spatiu. Nu cresc mult in inaltime, daca aveti noroc ajung pe la 20-25 cm. fara flori si pe la 30 cm. cu tot cu flori.
These are juicy flowers, likes the light, even direct sun, don't need too much water or space. There are not so tall, with luck can reach 20-25 cm. without flowers and 30 cm. with flowers.
Provine de pe continentul african si din Madagascar. In Europa e des intalnita, mai rar se gaseste in America sau Asia.
It came from Africa and Madagascar. In Europe is a common flower, in America and Asia is not so common.
Daca veti citi pe anumite site-uri despre Kalanchoe, inclusiv pe blog-uri, veti afla ca acestei plante ii place solitudinea. Normal, din moment ce toti copiaza unul de la altul!!! Nu, nu este neaparat adevarat. Evident, sunt foarte multe plante carora le place sa fie singure in ghiveci, dar asta nu este o regula. Daca vreti sa faceti un mix de flori, Kalanchoe este ideala pentru acest lucru. Dar trebuie sa tineti cont sa o "asociati" cu alte plante suculente, ca sa fiti siguri ca nu omorati vreuna dintre ele. O alegere foarte buna este Crassula, mai ales ca fac parte din aceeasi familie, Crassulaceae. Am avut si Crassula, dar pe vremea aceea nu stiam atat de multe despre plante si am omorat-o, punandu-i multa apa.
If you will read on some sites about Kalanchoe, including blogs, you will find out that this flower loves solitude. Of course, since they are copy-pasting from one to another!!!! No, it's not necessarily true. Of course, there are a lot of plants who loves to be alone in the pot, but this is not a rule. If you want to make a mix pot, Kalanchoe is an ideal plant to do this. But you have to "associate" it with other juicy plants, to be certain that you will not kill them. A very good choice is Crassula, especially they are part of the same family, Crassulaceae. I had a Crassula also, but back then I didn't know so much about plants and I killed it with too much water.
O alta informatie preluata gresit pe site-uri: veti afla ca sunt 130 specii de Kalanchoe. Si 180 specii. Chiar si 200!!! In realitate, exista aproximativ 120 specii de Kalanchoe, cele din Madagascar pot ajunge si pana la 6 metri inaltime. In 1763, botanistul francez Michel Adanson a descris pentru prima oara aceasta floare. El a stat in Senegal timp de 5 ani si cand s-a intors la Paris, dupa numeroase cercetari si descoperiri in Africa, a publicat cartea "Familles naturelles des plantes", in care a descris cele 58 familii de plante pe care le-a diferentiat, precum si multe alte informatii.
Another wrong information: on some sites you will find out that there are 130 Kalanchoe species. And 180 species. Even 200 species!! In reality, there are aprox. 120 species, the ones in Madagascar can reach 6 m. height. In 1763, french botanist MIchel Adanson described for the first time this flower. He was in Senegal for 5 years and after his return in Paris he published the book "Familles naturelles des plantes". He conducted a lot of researches and made a lot of discoveries and he described 58 families of plants and other useful information.
Ziceam ca mie mi-au murit 3. Mda... pentru ca pot fi atacate foarte usor de cosenile si purici. Am luat un spray anti-cosenile, dar prea tarziu, se pare. Mare atentie, exista spray-uri chimice si altele pe baza de plante. Va sfatuiesc sa le alegeti pe cele naturale, in primul rand pentru planta. Dar nu ar strica sa va paziti si voi sau animalele de casa!
I told you that I lost three Kalanachoe. Yeah... because they were atacked by fleas and other bugs. I bought a spray but too late. Be careful, there are chimical based sprays and plant based. I advise you to chose the natural ones, to protect the plant. But it's good also for the pets!
familles naturelles des plantes,
flori suculente,
michel adanson,
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11 comentarii:
I love Kalanchoe's Miss Silvia they are so easy to care for and the blooms last so long.
hugs, Cherry
I had a kalanchoe a few years ago and it did very well. It was indoors for a couple months and then went outside to live in a big pot. I forgot to bring it inside one night when the temperatures dropped below freezing.
I almost missed your wonderful photos of the baby birds in your previous blog. I love seeing other people's bird photos;)
@ Cherry - yes indeed, the flowers are long lasting through spring, summer and autumn.
@ Marnie - like you, I have all the flowers in my hourse during the winter and in the spring time I put them on my terrace. But in spring, in Bucharest, the temperatures can go below zero C degrees, that's why I choose April to take the pots outside.
Did you liked the baby pidgeants? Unfortunately, being so close to the capital, a plain capital, not close to the mountains, I don't have the pleasure of visiting birds. Only pidgeants and small birds. Yours are so beautiful and colourful!
chiar ieri am primit de la o prietena de a mamei o Kalanchoe, roz. hu hu. ce misto. si cu adoptia......deja sta lumea la rand:)))
@ Cris - o sa-ti placa aceasta floare, pune-o la soare si o sa infloreasca pana in octombrie. Sa o ingrijesti cu placere!
Hi Silvia, I have a kilanchoe and got it in Feb (I think) has just stopped producing flowers but is still very much alive in the pot! I have been watering it intermittently, and it's in front of a sunny window. So far I haven't killed it--although it isn't looking nearly as nice as it did when I got it. Hopefully it will begin to produce blooms again and not die on me;-( Sorry I haven't visited you in a while! I hope you are doing well and enjoying yourself, your family, and your garden;-) Jan
Hi, Jan! Thanks for stoping by! Long time no see! I know that is the season for all the works in the garden, I know I have a lot of work! Yes, we are all so great, enjoying the summer, the air, the sun! I hope everything is ok with you and your family as well! See you soon!
I am new here..First post to just say hi to all community.
hello everybody
I figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to get to know you all better!
Thanks again!
hi everybody
great forum lots of lovely people just what i need
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
It is my first post here wanted to say hi
Adios amigos
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