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marți, 23 februarie 2010

Clematite - Clematis

Oricum, vreau sa va spun ca aceste Clematite sunt foarte iubite de toti gradinarii. Pentru ca au flori superbe, o varietate larga de specii si o paleta mare de culori. Se cunosc peste 200 specii in toata lumea, exceptand continentul african. Dar prin incrucisari, acum sunt peste 400. Seamana ca si dezvoltare cu zorelele, pentru ca se catara ca lianele si se folosesc de petiolul frunzelor proprii.

Anyway, I want to say to you that these Clematis are loved by all gardeners. They have beautiful flowers, many species and a wide range of colours. There are over 200 species all over the world, except Africa. After many crossings, right now there are 400 species. They resemble with Morning Glory, because they climb like lianas and they use their own leafstalk.

Multa lume nu stie, dar Clematitele au fost folosite in trecut in mancare, in locul piperului negru, care era foarte rar si foarte scump.

Many people don't know, but Clematis were used like spice for food, a substitute for black pepper, which was very rare and very expensive.

Se extrage ulei esential din Clematite, dar eu nu l-as folosi in sapunurile naturale Soapmill. Este puternic alergenic, depasind chiar si scortisoara la acest capitol. Planta in sine este toxica si trebuie sa supravegheati copiii, sa nu inghita bucati din ea.

You can extract essential oil from Clematis, but I wouldn't use it in Soap Mill natural soaps. It's highly allergic, over the cinnamon, if you want a comparison. The plant is toxic and you have to watch the children not to ingest it.

Avand in vedere ca este o planta cataratoare, este perfecta pentru spaliere, pergole, arcade din fier, foisoare sau garduri. Dar, ca la orice planta agatatoare, doar tulpina e indicat sa fie in plin soare, baza ar trebui sa fie in umbra. Eu cred ca puteti "masca" cu alte flori pitice locul unde intra tulpina de Clematite in pamant sau o puteti planta langa un foisor.

Considering that it is a climbing plant, it's perfect for trelisses, pergolas, iron arches, garden towers or fences. But, as any other climbing plant, only the stalk must stay in the sun. The base should be in a shadow. I think you can use small flowers around the stalk or you can plant it near a garden tower.

Anumite varietati de Clematite infloresc in aprilie, altele toamna tarziu. Unora le place soarele, altele prefera doar 2-3 ore pe zi. Si pentru unele si pentru celelalte, este indicata o udare abundenta, mai ales in perioadele secetoase.

Some Clematis species bloom in April, other late fall. Some Clematis love the sun, others love the sun, but only 2-3 hours per day. Both types are in need for plenty of water, especially during drought periods.

Plantele din Romania s-au adaptat destul de bine la clima noastra, dar eu v-as sfatui sa protejati foarte bine locul unde tulpina intra in pamant. Cu frunze uscate sau paie. Se planteaza primavara, adica cum le vom planta noi anul acesta, in martie-aprilie. Anul urmator, este indicat sa le taiati la maxim 50 cm. deasupra solului pentru a isi crea o radacina puternica si o tulpina viguroasa.

Clematis adjusted to Romanian weather and conditions, but I am suggesting that you should protect the stalk and the roots during the winter. You can use dead leaves or straws. You can plant them during spring time, like us, this year, in March-April. Next year you should cut the stalk at 50 cm. maximum, to create a good root and a vigurous stalk.

2 comentarii:

Claus Web spunea...

cum arata si ce miros au? nu stiu daca m-am intalnit vreodata cu ele

Masaj erotic Craiova spunea...

niste fotografii se poate?