Our new alley on the back of the house. Now I can care more easily the tomatoes!
Noua noastra alee in spatele casei. Acum pot ingriji mult mai usor rosiile!
The new flower bed in front of the house. We still have to paint the house's socle, but we are finished with all the works.
Noul spatiu floral in fata casei. Mai avem de vopsit soclul casei, dar in rest am terminat cu lucrarile.
Terasa noastra, plina de flori.
First year for my vegetable garden. We started with tomatoes, dill, corn and celery. We will continue in one month with bell pepper.
Primul an al gradinii de legume. Am inceput cu rosii, marar, porumb si telina. Continuam intr-o luna cu gogosari.
Un nou concurs Blog Director de Gradinarit va asteapta! La adresa http://blog-director-de-gradinarit.blogspot.com/2009/07/concurs-blog-director-de-gradinarit.html gasiti mai multe amanunte! Succes tuturor! Decernarea premiilor se face pe 31 iulie.
5 comentarii:
You are going to have some wonderful tomatoes soon dear friend. AND YOU are always welcome at the BGgarden for some salad with our without the cheese!
Thanks for stopping by - Happy Summer!
Trandafirul rosu e cumva Lavaglut?
@ Bren - thank you! I am hoping, my friend, to have some beautiful tomatoes this year. Hahaha, with or without the cheese? OK, without! I am coming often to your site, but I don't leave all the time comments. Happy summer you too! See you soon!
@ Corina - stiu ca tu esti pasionata de trandafiri si daca banuiesti ca este Lavaglut, atunci e posibil sa fie. Nu ma pricep deloc la soiurile de trandafiri. Si nu-mi aduc aminte ce scria pe pachet cand l-am cumparat. Daca scria ceva...
foarte faine rosiile. ce verde crud si sanatos!
@ Mihai - sper sa devina rosii coapte si sanatoase, hehe!
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