Am primit un mail interesant, pe care vreau sa il impartasesc cu voi. La aceasta adresa puteti gasi instructiuni pentru a avea o mini-gradina patrata rapida si relativ ieftina, de unde va puteti aproviziona cu legume sau condimente proaspete.
Puteti gasi explicatii si instructiuni vizuale, pas cu pas, si astfel va puteti crea o mini-gradina care in 2-3 luni va poate aproviziona cu rosii sau patrunjel, de exemplu.
I received an interesting email that I want to share with you. At this address you can find instructions for you to have a mini-fast and relatively inexpensive square garden, where you can supply with fresh vegetables and spices.
You can find explanations and visual instructions, step by step, and so you can create a mini-garden that in 2-3 months can supply you with tomatoes and parsley, for example.
Good luck!
De vanzare 2 case, Magurele, Ilfov, zona rezidentiala linistita.
Detalii si fotografii pe [at]
Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!
Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!
Pe aceasta adresa de e-mail va astept intrebarile, propunerile, sugestiile sau sfaturile!
Use this e-mail address for any questions, proposals or advices you might have!
marți, 1 mai 2012
O mini-gradina patrata
mini gradina,
marți, 16 martie 2010
Orhideele - Orchids
Am primit de la mama o orhidee superba, galben cu picatele rosii. Recunosc, nu am avut niciodata o orhidee in pamant, doar deja rupte, ca atare nu cunosc prea multe despre aceasta planta. Am citit in carte ca familia orhideelor e cea mai mare din angiosperme, adica plantele care infloresc.
I received from my mother in law a gorgeous orchid, yellow with red dots. I admit, I never had an orchid in the ground, only from the flower shop, so I don't many things about this plant. I read in the book that the orchid family is the largest from angiosperms, thus flowering plants.
Nu se stie clar cate specii de orhidee sunt in toata lumea, dar se presupune ca sunt 25.000, dar la fel de bine pot fi si 30.000 specii. O treime de hibrizi au aparut din secolul 19 pana acum, marind numarul orhideelor existente pe planeta.
We don't know how many species are in the world, but it presumes that there are around 25.000, but could also be 30.000 species. 10.000 hibrids appeared from 19th century.
Fun facts: orhideele sunt de 4 ori mai multe decat mamiferele si de doua ori mai multe decat pasarile.
Fun facts: the orchids are four times more than mammals and two times more than birds.
Inclusiv Darwin a studiat orhideele si modul lor de polenizare si a scris o carte despre acest lucru. Unele dintre orhidee se bazeaza in totalitate pe auto-polenizare, in special in zonele reci, unde nu exista insecte.
Darwin studied the orchids and the pollination method and wrote a book. Some of the orchids are based on self-pollination, especially in cold areas, where are no insects.
Fun facts: vanilia este un tip de orhidee.
Fun facts: vanilla is an orchid. Nor a sky. :)
Exista o varietate larga de culori ale florilor si de tipuri. Flori duble sau simple, bazale sau axiale (pornesc din frunze), au multiple petale sau au sepale care se confunda cu petalele.
Orchids have a large variety of colours and types of flowers. Double or simple flowers, basal or axial (the flower starts from the leaves), with multiple petals or with sepals resembling with the petals (so called tepals).
Fun facts: frunzele uscate ale unei specii de orhidee se folosesc pentru a colora romul din Reunion.
Fun facts: the dried leaves of an orchid species are used to colour the rum in Reunion.
I received from my mother in law a gorgeous orchid, yellow with red dots. I admit, I never had an orchid in the ground, only from the flower shop, so I don't many things about this plant. I read in the book that the orchid family is the largest from angiosperms, thus flowering plants.
Nu se stie clar cate specii de orhidee sunt in toata lumea, dar se presupune ca sunt 25.000, dar la fel de bine pot fi si 30.000 specii. O treime de hibrizi au aparut din secolul 19 pana acum, marind numarul orhideelor existente pe planeta.
We don't know how many species are in the world, but it presumes that there are around 25.000, but could also be 30.000 species. 10.000 hibrids appeared from 19th century.
Fun facts: orhideele sunt de 4 ori mai multe decat mamiferele si de doua ori mai multe decat pasarile.
Fun facts: the orchids are four times more than mammals and two times more than birds.
Inclusiv Darwin a studiat orhideele si modul lor de polenizare si a scris o carte despre acest lucru. Unele dintre orhidee se bazeaza in totalitate pe auto-polenizare, in special in zonele reci, unde nu exista insecte.
Darwin studied the orchids and the pollination method and wrote a book. Some of the orchids are based on self-pollination, especially in cold areas, where are no insects.
Fun facts: vanilia este un tip de orhidee.
Fun facts: vanilla is an orchid. Nor a sky. :)
Exista o varietate larga de culori ale florilor si de tipuri. Flori duble sau simple, bazale sau axiale (pornesc din frunze), au multiple petale sau au sepale care se confunda cu petalele.
Orchids have a large variety of colours and types of flowers. Double or simple flowers, basal or axial (the flower starts from the leaves), with multiple petals or with sepals resembling with the petals (so called tepals).
Fun facts: frunzele uscate ale unei specii de orhidee se folosesc pentru a colora romul din Reunion.
Fun facts: the dried leaves of an orchid species are used to colour the rum in Reunion.
flori axiale,
flori bazale,
metode polenizare,
orchids species,
pollination methods,
specii orhidee,
vanilla sky
vineri, 26 februarie 2010
Camelia - Camellia
Dupa cum v-am spus, Dani a cumparat o Camelie acum cateva zile. Recunosc, stiam cateva lucruri teoretice despre aceasta planta, asa ca am apelat la ajutorul tatalui meu pentru a afla si alte amanunte despre ea. Oricum, cred ca in orice carte despre gradinarit puteti gasi detalii despre aceasta superba planta, denumita si trandafirul japonez.
As I told you, Dani bought a Camellia a few days ago. I admit, I knew some theories about this plant, so I ask my father about it, to find out some more. Anyway, I think you can find details about this gorgeous plant (so called japanese rose) in any gardening book.
Sunt peste o suta de specii de Camelie in toata lumea. In functie de specie, ea poate atinge si inaltimi de aproape 20 m., fiind un adevarat arbore. Creste foarte repede, cu 25-30 cm. pe an pana la maturitate.
There are over 200 Camellia's species all over the world. Depending on the species, it can reach heights of almost 20 m., a true tree. It grows very fast, about 25-30 cm. per year until maturity.
Cele mai intalnite culori ale florilor Cameliei sunt albul, rozul si rosul. Sunt cateva varietati galbene, acestea fiind destul de pretuite. De obicei, Camelia infloreste la sfarsitul iernii sau inceputul primaverii. A noastra are deja cativa boboci si astept cu interes repararea camerei foto, pentru a ii surprinde.
The common colours of the flowers are white, pink and red. There are some yellow varieties, truly appreciated. Usually, Camellia blooms in late winter or early spring. Ours has a few buds already and I am waiting impatiently my photo camera to catch their bloom.
Din frunzele Cameliei Sinensis se face ceai, ea fiind denumita si "planta ceai". Din frunzele sale se extrage si un ulei de ceai, care este foarte popular in China pentru gatit.
From Camellia Sinensis leaves you can make tea, the other name for this variety beeing "tea plant". From its leaves you can extract also tea oil, very popular for cooking in China.
Este indicat sa alegeti un loc racoros pentru aceasta planta, dar odata stabilit, sa nu o mai mutati. Riscati sa pierdeti toti mugurii pe care planta ii are in acel moment. Ii place lumina, dar detesta soarele direct si caldura in apropiere. Chiar daca ii plac locurile racoroase, nu ezitati sa o udati din abundenta, in special pe frunze. Va sugerez sa foloositi apa plata sau dedurizata, pentru a evita depunerile de pe frunze - calciu si saruri. Nu ii plac transplantarile dese, asa ca este bine sa alegeti de prima oara un ghiveci mai mare decat e cazul.
It is wise to choose a cool place for this plant, but if you choose it, don't move it. The risk is that you will lose all the buds. Camellia likes the light, but hates the direct sunlight and close warmth. Don't hesitate to use a lot of water, especially on the leaves. I am suggesting you to use water without limestone, to prevent the calcium and salts to settle down on the leaves. Choose a larger pot from the beginning, because Camellia hates to move from one pot to another.
Pentru gradinarii de ocazie sau pentru cei care nu prea stau pe acasa, aceasta planta este considerata pretentioasa. In realitate, insa, necesita o ingrijire putin mai atenta doar in perioada de inflorire. In rest, se comporta frumos in gradina si va bucura zilnic ochiul.
For ocassional gardeners or for those who are not spending a lot of time at home, this plant is considered highly maintenance. In reality, though, Camellis needs a careful care only in the blooming time. All year long, Camellia is a beautiful plant in the garden and brings joy to your eyes.
As I told you, Dani bought a Camellia a few days ago. I admit, I knew some theories about this plant, so I ask my father about it, to find out some more. Anyway, I think you can find details about this gorgeous plant (so called japanese rose) in any gardening book.
Sunt peste o suta de specii de Camelie in toata lumea. In functie de specie, ea poate atinge si inaltimi de aproape 20 m., fiind un adevarat arbore. Creste foarte repede, cu 25-30 cm. pe an pana la maturitate.
There are over 200 Camellia's species all over the world. Depending on the species, it can reach heights of almost 20 m., a true tree. It grows very fast, about 25-30 cm. per year until maturity.
Cele mai intalnite culori ale florilor Cameliei sunt albul, rozul si rosul. Sunt cateva varietati galbene, acestea fiind destul de pretuite. De obicei, Camelia infloreste la sfarsitul iernii sau inceputul primaverii. A noastra are deja cativa boboci si astept cu interes repararea camerei foto, pentru a ii surprinde.
The common colours of the flowers are white, pink and red. There are some yellow varieties, truly appreciated. Usually, Camellia blooms in late winter or early spring. Ours has a few buds already and I am waiting impatiently my photo camera to catch their bloom.
Din frunzele Cameliei Sinensis se face ceai, ea fiind denumita si "planta ceai". Din frunzele sale se extrage si un ulei de ceai, care este foarte popular in China pentru gatit.
From Camellia Sinensis leaves you can make tea, the other name for this variety beeing "tea plant". From its leaves you can extract also tea oil, very popular for cooking in China.
Este indicat sa alegeti un loc racoros pentru aceasta planta, dar odata stabilit, sa nu o mai mutati. Riscati sa pierdeti toti mugurii pe care planta ii are in acel moment. Ii place lumina, dar detesta soarele direct si caldura in apropiere. Chiar daca ii plac locurile racoroase, nu ezitati sa o udati din abundenta, in special pe frunze. Va sugerez sa foloositi apa plata sau dedurizata, pentru a evita depunerile de pe frunze - calciu si saruri. Nu ii plac transplantarile dese, asa ca este bine sa alegeti de prima oara un ghiveci mai mare decat e cazul.
It is wise to choose a cool place for this plant, but if you choose it, don't move it. The risk is that you will lose all the buds. Camellia likes the light, but hates the direct sunlight and close warmth. Don't hesitate to use a lot of water, especially on the leaves. I am suggesting you to use water without limestone, to prevent the calcium and salts to settle down on the leaves. Choose a larger pot from the beginning, because Camellia hates to move from one pot to another.
Pentru gradinarii de ocazie sau pentru cei care nu prea stau pe acasa, aceasta planta este considerata pretentioasa. In realitate, insa, necesita o ingrijire putin mai atenta doar in perioada de inflorire. In rest, se comporta frumos in gradina si va bucura zilnic ochiul.
For ocassional gardeners or for those who are not spending a lot of time at home, this plant is considered highly maintenance. In reality, though, Camellis needs a careful care only in the blooming time. All year long, Camellia is a beautiful plant in the garden and brings joy to your eyes.
camellia sinensis,
planta ceai,
trandafir japonez
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